The vertical 7, 4, 1, 2, 9, and the horizontal 6, 3, 1, 8, 5 are now equal to 23. Move the three numbers to add 24? The arrangement of numbers is in the shape of a cross, and the number in the middle is 1

The vertical 7, 4, 1, 2, 9, and the horizontal 6, 3, 1, 8, 5 are now equal to 23. Move the three numbers to add 24? The arrangement of numbers is in the shape of a cross, and the number in the middle is 1

Can I change it? Try 123 in turn

My son has a math problem: put 123456 in the middle of the three corners and sides of a triangle, so that the number of the three lines is equal to 10?

6 4
3 2 5

An eight digit number is divided by 3 to 1, by 4 to 2, and exactly divided by 11. It is known that the first six digits of the eight digit number are 257633, then the last two digits of the eight digit number are 257633______ .

Let this number be 257633ab, which is exactly divisible by 11, that is, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, the difference between odd digit B + 3 + 6 + 5 = 14 + B and even digit a + 3 + 7 + 2 = a + 12 is a multiple of 11, that is, A-B = 2 or B-A = 9; the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, A-B = 2 or B-A = 9; the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, that is, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit

A physics problem in junior high school
A. The indication of voltmeter V1 becomes smaller, the indication of voltmeter V2 becomes larger, and the indication of current becomes smaller B. the indication of voltmeter V1 becomes larger, the indication of voltmeter V2 becomes smaller, and the indication of current becomes smaller D. the indication of voltmeter V1 becomes smaller C. The indication of voltmeter V1 becomes smaller, the indication of voltmeter V2 becomes smaller, the indication of current becomes larger, the indication of voltmeter V2 becomes larger, and the indication of current becomes larger 12; Beijing) two cylindrical containers (A and b) with the same depth of liquid are placed on the horizontal table, as shown in the figure. The bottom areas of containers a and B are S1 and S2 respectively, and 2S1 = 3s2. The density of liquid in container a is ρ 1, and the pressure of liquid on the bottom of container is P1. The density of liquid in container B is ρ 2, and the pressure of liquid on the bottom of container is P2, Liquid P2 = 2p1. The ball a is immersed in the liquid of container a, and the ball is immersed in the liquid of container B. after the body is still, the bottom of container a and container B are under the same pressure of liquid, and the buoyancy of balls a and B are F1 and F2 respectively
A、F1>F2,ρ1<ρ2 B、F1=F2,ρ1<ρ2 C、F1<F2,ρ1>ρ2 D、F1<F2,ρ1<ρ2
The answer is a
First, we all know P = pGH
But the second question I want to ask is to set S1 as 3, S2 as 2, P1 as 1, P2 as 2
So row v 1 is 3 (H is the same) row V 2 is 2
P1 is 1, P2 is 2
Then f = PGV is used to calculate
Results f floating 1 is 3, f floating 2 is 4
Why is the calculation wrong
Seeking answers from experts "
12、 (2011• Beijing) two cylindrical containers (A and b) with the same depth of liquid are placed on the horizontal table, as shown in the figure. The bottom areas of containers a and B are S1 and S2 respectively, and 2S1 = 3s2. The density of liquid in container a is ρ 1, and the pressure of liquid on the bottom of container is P1. The density of liquid in container B is ρ 2, and the pressure of liquid on the bottom of container is P2 Liquid P2 = 2p1. A ball is immersed in the liquid of container a, and the ball is immersed in the liquid of container B. after the body is still, the bottom of container a and B are under the same pressure of liquid, and the buoyancy of balls a and B are F1 and F2 respectively
A、F1>F2,ρ1<ρ2 B、F1=F2,ρ1<ρ2 C、F1<F2,ρ1>ρ2 D、F1<F2,ρ1<ρ2
The answer is a
Second, we all know that P = pGH is used
But the first question I want to ask is to set S1 as 3, S2 as 2, P1 as 1, P2 as 2
So row v 1 is 3 (H is the same) row V 2 is 2
P1 is 1, P2 is 2
Then f = PGV is used to calculate
Results f floating 1 is 3, f floating 2 is 4
Why is the calculation wrong
Seeking answers from experts "

Landlord, your hypothesis is very good, very good, but there is a small detail that is not right~
Note that the volumes of the two spheres are not equal, so
It is wrong to assume that V row 1 is 3 (H is the same) and V row 2 is 2~
Because: it is said that the ball is immersed in the liquid of container B. when the body is still, the pressure of the liquid on the bottom of container a and container B is equal
The area of the two containers is 3 and 2 respectively, so the pressure of the two liquids is 2 and 3 respectively,
Because the density is 1 and 2, the height is 2 and 1.5,
The original height is the same, all are 1, so the rising height is 1 and 0.5 respectively
And because the bottom area is 3 and 2, the volume of boiled water is 3 and 1 instead of 3 and 2
Imitate the explanation of your hypothesis. I hope you can understand it~

The picture is an inverted trapezoidal cup. An open cup is placed on the horizontal table after it is filled with 8cm high water (note that it is not full). It is known that the inner bottom area of the cup is 50cm 2 and the outer bottom area is 60cm 2. The total mass of the cup after it is filled with water is 06kg. Then the pressure of water on the bottom of the cup is 0___ N (is it 400N?)
The pressure of the cup on the table is____ Pa(g=10N/kg)

The first question is not 400N, the second answer is 1000Pa

A question about physical mechanics in junior high school
Why is a person's maximum pulling force gravity? When a person pulls an object with a rope vertically downward, he is subjected to gravity, supporting force, and the pulling force of the rope on a person. But a person also pulls the rope downward with force. The resultant force of the rope pulling a person and the rope pulling a person should be 0n. I can't figure it out

You have to imagine a picture, absolutely understand: when you pull the rope, the force your feet feel is from the ground, and the force your hands feel is from the rope. These two forces are upward, they resist your gravity together, and let you stop at your height. So: the force of the ground to the feet + the force of the rope opponent = your gravity. When your feet are off the ground, the rope to

Why is the gravitational potential energy negative? What is it

Gravitational potential energy refers to the zero potential surface. For example, if you set 100 meters above the ground as the zero potential surface, the gravitational potential energy within 100 meters above the ground is negative. It is mainly used for calculation

What is Poisson's ratio?

The ratio of the absolute value of the transverse normal strain to the axial normal strain of a material under uniaxial tension or compression

What does Poisson's ratio of material mean?

Poisson's ratio: the absolute value of the ratio of the transverse strain caused by uniformly distributed longitudinal stress to the corresponding longitudinal strain within the proportional limit of a material
Note: when the proportional limit is exceeded, the Poisson's ratio changes with the change of stress, which is not Poisson's ratio. If the Poisson's ratio is recorded, the measured stress value should be indicated. For anisotropic materials, the Poisson's ratio changes with the direction of applied stress
It is similar to the definition of R value, but r value is in the plastic stage. Of course, R value is the ratio of width to thickness

How to calculate the Poisson's ratio of materials

The ratio of transverse strain to longitudinal strain of material is called Poisson's ratio & micro;, also known as transverse deformation coefficient, which is the elastic constant reflecting the transverse deformation of material. Within the proportional limit of material, the absolute value of the ratio of transverse strain to corresponding longitudinal strain caused by uniformly distributed longitudinal stress. For example, when a rod is under tension, its axial elongation is accompanied by transverse contraction (and vice versa), The ratio of transverse strain e 'to axial strain e' is called Poisson's ratio v. Poisson's ratio of materials is generally determined by test method
Major and minor Poisson's ratio
The principal Poisson's ratio prxy refers to the compressive (or tensile) strain in Y direction caused by the unit tensile (or compressive) strain in X direction under uniaxial action
The sub Poisson's ratio nuxy, which represents the Poisson's ratio orthogonal to prxy, refers to the compressive (or tensile) strain in X direction caused by the unit tensile (or compressive) strain in Y direction under uniaxial action
There is a certain relationship between prxy and nuxy: prxy / nuxy = ex / ey
For orthotropic materials, the primary and secondary Poisson's ratios should be input according to the material data,
But for isotropic materials, there is no difference in choosing prxy or nuxy to input Poisson's ratio, as long as one of them is input
The simple deduction is as follows:
If under uniaxial action:
(1) The compressive (or tensile) strain in Y direction caused by the unit tensile (or compressive) strain in X direction is B;
(2) The compressive (or tensile) strain in X direction caused by the unit tensile (or compressive) strain in Y direction is a;
According to Hooke's law, σ = ex × a = ey × B
→ EX/EY =b/a
Prxy / nuxy = B / A