In a subtraction formula, the sum of the difference between the subtracted and the subtracted is 388. If the subtracted is 16 larger than the difference, what is the subtraction? 388/2=194 (194+16)/2=105

In a subtraction formula, the sum of the difference between the subtracted and the subtracted is 388. If the subtracted is 16 larger than the difference, what is the subtraction? 388/2=194 (194+16)/2=105

The difference between the subtracted and the subtracted is x, y, Z respectively
Solve the equation:
Y = 105

In a subtraction, the sum of the subtracted and the difference is 36
The subtraction is 2 / 7 of the difference, the subtraction is more than the difference

Subtraction + difference = divisor 36 △ 2 = 1818-18 ÷ (1 + 2 / 7) = 4 hope to adopt, I wish you progress in your study

Magic cube formula

1. Standard Rubik's cube, with six colors, is "similar in color, back-to-back";
2. No matter how to rotate, the center of each side of the cube will not be rotated, so when rotating, the center should be taken as the object;
3. For the remaining blocks, those with three colors are called "corner blocks" (8 pieces), and those with two colors are called "edge blocks" (12 pieces)
4. The common method of Rubik's cube reduction is by layer: first, restore the first layer, then the second layer, and finally the third layer;
5. Basic terms
(1) the Rubik's cube can only be restored after it is rotated. From the direction it faces, it can be divided into clockwise (+) and counter clockwise (-) rotation, the second layer
Sometimes it needs to rotate 180 degrees ("2"); we express it as follows:;
Expression: front + (front 90 degrees clockwise), right - (right 90 degrees counter clockwise), top 2 (Top 180 degrees clockwise)
The third layer
(2) six faces, the face that faces itself is called "front", and the others are shown in the figure below;
English: up = u (up) down = D (down) front = f (front) back = B (back) left = l (left) right = R (right)
Expression: F (front clockwise 90 degrees), R '(right counterclockwise 90 degrees), U2 (up clockwise 180 degrees)
2. Solving the magic cube
1. Restore the first layer
The first level, as long as you grope for a while, can be achieved (if necessary)
First, select the center; second, restore the first edge; third, restore the opposite edge (and other edges); fourth, restore the corners
Note: when putting the first layer together, you should not only align the color of one side, but also ensure the correct position of edges and corners (as shown in the right picture)
After one layer reduction
2. Restore the second layer
After putting the first layer together, turn the Rubik's cube upside down so that the finished layer becomes the bottom
Careful observation, restore the second layer, in fact, only need to complete the restoration of 4 middle edge blocks
However, there are only two states for the four medial ridges: 1 → 2, or 1 → 3
Case 1: invert 1 and 2
Chinese: [(top -, left -), (top +, left +)] [(top +, front +)], (top -, front -)]
English: (u'l'ul), (ufu'f ')
Case 2: change 1 and 3 into two states of the second layer
Chinese: [(top +, right +), (top -, right -)] [(top -, front -), (top +, front +)]
English: (uru'r '), (u'f'uf)
3. Restore the third layer
(1) edge transposition: as shown in the right figure, there are four edges in the third layer. According to the idea of "pairwise exchange", edge transposition can be completed
Situation: exchange 1 and 2
Chinese: [(top +, front +, right +, top +), (right -, top -, front -)]
English: (ufru), (r'u'f ')
Swap 1 ←→ 2
(2) edge turning: when the position is right, the color of the position should also be right
First, place the edge block to be turned over at the position of "1" in the right figure, and turn it over according to the following method;
After OK, continue to rotate other unreduced edges on the upper layer clockwise to the position of "1", and repeat the following method
Note: here, when the upper four edges are not completely restored, the lower two layers will be disordered;
Don't worry, the upper edge all OK, the next two also naturally restored
Situation: turn 1 (and other edges) in situ
Chinese: [right +, horizontal middle layer - (from top to bottom)] × 4 turn 1 (and other edges) in situ
English: (R, horizontal middle layer ') × 4
(3) angle transposition: the formula of angle transposition is the longest and needs to be remembered. As shown in the right figure, the sequence of 1, 2 and 3 is exchanged
Case 1: exchange the sequence of 1 → 2 → 3 → 1
Chinese: {left -, [(right +, top +), (right -, top -)], left +, [(top +, right +), (top -, right -)]}
English: l'rur'u ', luru'r'
Case 2: exchange the sequence of 1 → 3 → 2 → 1. Transpose the corners 1, 2 and 3
Chinese: {left -, [(right +, top -), (left +, top +)], right -, [(top -, left -), (top +, left +)]}
English: l'ru'lu, r'u'l'ul
(4) corner turning: when the position is right, the color of the position should be right
First, place the corner block to be turned over at the position of "1" in the right figure, and turn it over according to the following method;
After OK, continue to rotate other unreduced edges on the upper layer clockwise to the position of "1", and repeat the following method
Note: here, when the upper four corners are not completely restored, the lower two layers will be disordered;
Don't worry, after the upper corner is all OK, the lower two layers are naturally restored
Situation: turn 1 (and other corners) in situ
Chinese: [(right +, front -), (right -, front +)] × n turn the corner in place
English: (rf'r'f) × n
Video show/id_ XMTkwNDk5NDY4.html

Seek the formula of hand brain quick calculation in preschool class

The rules of tone marking in Chinese Pinyin
When is it marked above a o e i u, especially when it has two or more vowels
It's better to have a good memory like doggerel

Didn't you learn it in primary school?
If there is a vowel, mark it on A. for example, Lao, mark it on a
If there is no a, but there is o or E, it is marked on O or e. for example, Lou is marked on O, Lei is marked on E
If I and u are side by side, they are marked after. For example, Liu, marked on u, GUI, marked on I)
It is unnecessary to say a single vowel

What is the pithy formula of primary school Pinyin tone?

The pithy formulas for the location of tone marking in Chinese Pinyin are as follows: (1) if there is a, don't let it go; (2) if there is no a, find o and E; (3) the rules of tone marking in Chinese Pinyin are: a o e i u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u

Who has the Three Character Classic marked with Pinyin tone

What is the pithy formula of the tones of Chinese pinyin? I want to give a lecture to primary school students

There are 39 finals in Putonghua, 23 of which are vowels, and 16 of which are vowels with nasal consonants. According to the structural characteristics of finals, finals are generally divided into three categories

Please mark the following idioms in pinyin with tones
repeat word for word what others say
stand head and shoulders above others
demons and monsters danced like mad
show off literary skill
stick in the mud
unbounded covetousness
to be in deep anxiety day seems like a year
be in the full vigour of life
spent force
learn superficially
be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour
shaking heaven and earth
vast territory and abundant resources
broad and profound
explain profound theories in simple language
Tone, for example:
fù zhì dào cǐ chù)
Copy here

ren/ yun/ yi\ yun/yun/ zhong- bai/ he\he\ li\ ji- qun/qun/ mo/ luan\ wu\/wu\/wen/nong\mo\mo\shou\/cheng/gui-gui-qiu/wu/du\du\ri\ru/nian/nian/fu\li\jiang/qiang/nu\/zhi-mo\mo\xue/fu-shou\shou\chong\/ruo...

The addition and subtraction of 50 rational numbers
(-6)+8+(-4)+12 =
1-4/9 =
8/27-5 =
4-27 =
16/21-1/7 =
4/ 2-(3+3 )=
1/3- 7/12-7/18=
1 -1/3-1 1/5 =
5/24+3/8 =
-15.8 + 13 5 / 6 + 15 4 / 5
(- 1 / 7) + (- 2 / 7) + 1 and 3 / 7
-0.5-(-3 )+2.75-(+7 )
0.75 + [- 11 / 4] + 0.125 + 12 and 5 / 7 + [- 3 / 8]=
Out of these questions!