An eight digit number is divided by 3 to 1, by 4 to 2, and exactly divided by 11. It is known that the first six digits of the eight digit number are 257633, then the last two digits of the eight digit number are 257633______ .

An eight digit number is divided by 3 to 1, by 4 to 2, and exactly divided by 11. It is known that the first six digits of the eight digit number are 257633, then the last two digits of the eight digit number are 257633______ .

Let this number be 257633ab, which is exactly divisible by 11, that is, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, the difference between odd digit B + 3 + 6 + 5 = 14 + B and even digit a + 3 + 7 + 2 = a + 12 is a multiple of 11, that is, A-B = 2 or B-A = 9; the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, A-B = 2 or B-A = 9; the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, that is, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit

An eight digit number is divided by 3 to 1, by 4 to 2, and exactly divided by 11. It is known that the first six digits of the eight digit number are 257633, then the last two digits of the eight digit number are 257633______ .

Let this number be 257633ab, which is exactly divided by 11, that is, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, the difference between odd digit B + 3 + 6 + 5 = 14 + B and even digit a + 3 + 7 + 2 = a + 12 is a multiple of 11, that is, A-B = 2 or B-A = 9; the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, the difference between odd digit B + 3 + 6 + 5 + A + 3 + 7 + 2 = 26 + A + B, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit a + 3 + 7 + 2 is a multiple of 11, that is, that is, A-B = 2 or B-A = 9; the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a The last digit must be even, that is, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, when B = 0, a = 2, divided by 4, the remainder is 0, so it is not meaningful; when B = 2, a = 4, divided by 3, the remainder is 0, so it is not meaningful; when B = 4, a = 6, divided by 4, the remainder is 0, so it is not meaningful; when B = 6, a = 8, divided by 3, the remainder is 2, divided by 4, the remainder is 2, so it is meaningful; when B = 8, a = 10, so it is meaningful So the last two digits are 86

An eight digit number is divided by 3 to 1, by 4 to 2, and exactly divided by 11. It is known that the first six digits of the eight digit number are 257633, then the last two digits of the eight digit number are 257633______ .

Let this number be 257633ab, which is exactly divided by 11, that is, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, the difference between odd digit B + 3 + 6 + 5 = 14 + B and even digit a + 3 + 7 + 2 = a + 12 is a multiple of 11, that is, A-B = 2 or B-A = 9; the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a multiple of 11, that is, the difference between odd digit B + 3 + 6 + 5 + A + 3 + 7 + 2 = 26 + A + B, the difference between odd digit sum and even digit a + 3 + 7 + 2 is a multiple of 11, that is, that is, A-B = 2 or B-A = 9; the difference between odd digit sum and even digit sum is a The last digit must be even, that is, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, when B = 0, a = 2, divided by 4, the remainder is 0, so it is not meaningful; when B = 2, a = 4, divided by 3, the remainder is 0, so it is not meaningful; when B = 4, a = 6, divided by 4, the remainder is 0, so it is not meaningful; when B = 6, a = 8, divided by 3, the remainder is 2, divided by 4, the remainder is 2, so it is meaningful; when B = 8, a = 10, so it is meaningful So the last two digits are 86

The significance of operators in quantum mechanics
Why should operators be introduced into quantum mechanics? What are the advantages of operators in explaining mechanical quantities in quantum mechanics?

Just answered a similar question. Before talking about operators, I said something about the background: simply speaking, for quantum mechanics, the material world we care about can be simply called "system" for the convenience of quantification. That is to say, the object that needs to be understood and changed is the system. So how to describe a system? Here, we introduce "..."

Why do mechanical quantities in quantum mechanics need to be expressed by operators?

The evolution of Schrodinger equation is a wave function (or state vector). It is not observable in itself. The corresponding mechanical quantity operator should act on the wave function (that is, the former makes the latter operate according to some specific rules), and a series of eigenvalues can be obtained. Sometimes, the probability amplitude corresponding to these eigenvalues can be obtained. Then, the actual value that can be obtained by measuring this mechanical quantity, Is one of the above eigenvalues, and the probability of measuring the value is the square of the above probability amplitude

Quantum mechanics.. on operator commutation
How does n on the right side of the equation come from?

[x, P ^ n] = P ^ (n-1) [x, P] + [x, P ^ (n-1)] P [x, P ^ (n-1)] = P ^ (n-2) [x, P] + [x, P ^ (n-2)]

What conditions should the operator of mechanical quantity possess in quantum mechanics?
As the title

Only when the eigenvalues of Hermitian operators are real numbers, can they represent actual physical quantities

What are the three basic physical quantities of mechanics?

Mass: in kilogram, measured with balance
Length: in meters, measured with a ruler
Time: in seconds, measured with a stopwatch

It is known that the four points on the plane are a (3,2), B (- 1,4), C (- 5,2) and D (- 1,0) respectively

The results of this proof are as follows: the ab | ab | ab | ab | ab | ab | = root number [(-1-3) &178;; + (4-2) &;] = root number 20 = 2; root number 20 = 2; root number 5 | BC; (5-5 + 1) &;; + (2-4) &178; (178;;; (4-2-2-2-2) &\\; (4-2-2 \178; (4-2-2) &\\57124; 178;;;;;;; [root number 20 = 20 = 2 | ab | ab | ab | ab | ab | ab | ab | ab