Use 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 to form a three digit. ABC and a two digit. De, and then use 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 to form a three digit. FGH and a two digit. Ij. May I ask: what is the maximum calculation result of the formula. ABC ×. De -. FGH ×. Ij?

Use 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 to form a three digit. ABC and a two digit. De, and then use 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 to form a three digit. FGH and a two digit. Ij. May I ask: what is the maximum calculation result of the formula. ABC ×. De -. FGH ×. Ij?

. ABC ×. De -. FGH ×. Ij = 731 × 95-20 × 468 = 69445-9360 = 60085. Answer: the maximum calculation result of. ABC ×. De -. FGH ×. Ij is 60085

ABC is a three digit number. If the three digit number is the sum of all the two digits composed of a, B and C, what three digits meet the conditions?
Write down what you have

According to the meaning of the question, the following equation can be listed:
The result is: 26a-4b-7c = 0
It is easy to get a = 1, B = 3, C = 2
a=2 b=6 c=4
a=3 b=9 c=6

Mathematical problems known 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 eight numbers, optional five numbers add up to 210, write two groups, which want to share two numbers?

3+4+2+5+7 1+4+2+6+8

What is the physical meaning of G?

The constant of universal gravitation, the coefficient in the formula of the relationship between gravitation and the mass and distance of two objects in the law of universal gravitation, is about 6.67259 × 10 ^ (- 11) n · m2 / kg2;
In physical sense, the gravitational attraction between two 1kg spheres with a distance of 1m is 6.67259 × 10 ^ (- 11) n

What does Physics G mean

Coefficients in the law of universal gravitation

What is the physical meaning of junior high school physics
Speed, detail, the key is to complete, for example: the physical meaning of density: the volume of 1 cubic meter of a certain material mass is how many kilograms. Help

Temperature: refers to the cold and hot degree of the object
Speed: the distance an object passes in unit time
Mass (m): the amount of substance in an object
Density doesn't matter
Gravity: the force exerted by objects near the ground due to the attraction of the earth
Pressure: force acting vertically on the surface of an object
Pressure: the pressure on an object per unit area
Buoyancy: the vertical upward force exerted by a liquid on an object in water
Work: the product of the force (f) and the distance (s) the object passes in the direction of the force
Power (P): work done in unit time (T) (W)
Kinetic energy: the energy of an object due to its motion
Gravitational potential energy: the energy of an object as it is raised
Elastic potential energy: the energy of an object due to elastic deformation
Heat (q): how much energy is transferred in the process of heat transfer
Specific heat capacity (c): the heat absorbed (or released) when the temperature of a substance increases (or decreases) by 1 ℃ per unit mass
Calorific value (q): the heat released by the complete combustion of 1 kg of certain fuel
Electrical work (W): the work done by the current is called electrical work
Electric power (P): work done by current in unit time
Wavelength λ: the propagation distance of a wave in a period, M

As shown in the figure, Xiaoyu's self-made training equipment weighs 60 kg, and the light bar AB is 1.5 m long, which can rotate freely around the fixed point O in the vertical plane. At the end a, a sandbag with a volume of 0.015 m3 is suspended by a rope through a pulley, of which OA = 1 m. when the force of 600 n is applied at the end B, the light bar AB is balanced in the horizontal position. (G is taken as 10 N / kg, the volume and mass of the sandbag, rope weight and friction coefficient of the sandbag are 10 N / kg Try to find: (1) Xiaoyu's gravity; (2) the density of sand; (3) the supporting force of the ground when the lever is balanced in the horizontal position

It is known that: M = 60kg, ab = 1.5m, 0A = 1m, v = 0.015m3, FB = 600N; find: (1) the gravity of Xiaoyu; (2) the density of sand; (3) the supporting force of the ground when the lever is balanced in the horizontal position. (1) the gravity of Xiaoyu g = mg = 60kg × 10N / kg = 600N; (2) ob = ab-oa = 1.5m-1m = 0.5m

A container is submerged in water, and a spring scale is used to pull the container vertically. The tension of the spring scale is 5.1n. First, the container is lifted vertically out of the water. At this time, the container is still full of water. The reading value of the spring scale is 58.1n, and the weight of the water container (P capacity = 2700kg / m3) is calculated

Let g 1 (n) be the weight of the container, M 1 be the mass, and f be the buoyancy
Let the weight of water be g water
According to the meaning of the title: container density P1 = 2.7 (* 1000kg / m3), tension F1 = 5.1 (n), F2 = 58.1 (n), and pwater = 1 (* 1000kg / m3) (the following units are omitted)
When the vessel is submerged, G1 = F + F1
That is: G1 = F + 5.1 Formula 1
When the container is raised above the water: G1 + gwater = F2
Substituting Formula 1: 5.1 + F floating + g water = 58.1
F floating = P water V discharge G Formula 2
V row g = (M1 / P1) g = G1 / 2.7
Then: Formula 2 can be changed into: F = 1 * (G1 / 2.7)
2.7f = G1
Substituting Formula 1: 2.7f floating = f floating + 5.1
Then: F = 3 Formula 3
When the container is raised above the water: G1 + gwater = F2
Substituting Formula 1: 5.1 + F floating + g water = 58.1
Substituting into formula 3: 5.1 + 3 + gwater = 58.1
Then: gwater = 50
A: the weight of water is 50N

The following statement is correct ()
A: Leverage is used to save effort
B: The distance from fulcrum to action point of power is power arm
C: The fulcrum of the lever is always between the dynamic action point and the resistance action point
D: The power arm and resistance arm are not always on the lever
Please explain why


Two forces acting on the same object and on the same straight line, F1 = 30n, F2 = 50N, the following situation may be ()
A. The size of the resultant force is 80N and the direction is opposite to that of F1. B. the size of the resultant force is 80N and the direction is the same as that of F2. C. the size of the resultant force is 20n and the direction is the same as that of F1. D. the size of the resultant force is 20n and the direction is the same as that of F2

The two forces F1 and F2 act on the same straight line. According to the direction, there are two possibilities: when the two forces have the same direction: fhe = F1 + F2 = 30n + 50N = 80N, the direction is the same as that of F1 and F2; when the two forces have the opposite direction: fhe = f2-f1 = 50n-30n = 20n, the direction is the same as that of F2