What are the true fractions with denominator 6, and what are the false fractions with numerator 6

What are the true fractions with denominator 6, and what are the false fractions with numerator 6

6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5
1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6
(it's not the simplest score, I don't know if it's OK)

What is the maximum true fraction and the minimum false fraction with denominator 7?

Maximum true score: 6 / 7
Minimum false score: 7 / 7
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There are (7) true fractions whose denominator is 8, among which the largest is (7 / 8), the smallest is (1 / 8), and all false fractions whose numerator is 8?
The last answer is 8. I don't understand. I hope to give an explanation. What I understand is the number greater than or equal to 8. Where do I understand wrong?

Because, when the numerator is 8, if the fraction is a false fraction, the denominator cannot be greater than 8, and the denominator can only be 0 < denominator ≤ 8. Therefore, in integer natural numbers, the denominator can only be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

Write all true fractions whose denominator is seven. Write all false fractions whose numerator is seven

(1) Two out of seven three to six
(2) 7 / 1, 7 / 2 to 7 / 7

The false fraction of the numerator is 7______ Of which the smallest is______ .

There are seven false fractions with numerator 7: 71 (7 is regarded as the false fraction with denominator 1), 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, among which 77 is the smallest

How many are the simplest false fractions of 7!


There are () false fractions of 7, the smallest of which is () and the largest is ()

There are (6) false fractions of molecule 7, among which the smallest is (7 / 2) and the largest is (7 / 7)

What is the maximum false fraction and the minimum false fraction of molecule 7?

7 / 1 and 7 / 7

In fractions, the numerator of any false fraction is larger than the denominator______ .

In a fraction, the fraction whose numerator is equal to the denominator is also a false fraction, so "the numerator of any false fraction is bigger than the denominator" is wrong

The numerator of true fraction is smaller than denominator, while the numerator of false fraction must be larger than denominator ()

A fraction whose numerator is smaller than the denominator is called a true fraction. The true fraction is less than 1
A fraction whose numerator is larger than or equal to the denominator is called a false fraction. The false fraction is greater than or equal to 1
It is also a false fraction when it is equal to