A fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator is a false fraction___ (judge right or wrong)

A fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator is a false fraction___ (judge right or wrong)

The fraction whose numerator is larger than denominator is false fraction

There is a false score in the first volume of the fifth grade of mathematics. The numerator is 25 times more than the denominator, and the numerator is 10 times more than 4 times of the denominator. What's the score?

Denominator: (25-10) / (4-1) = 5
Molecule: 5 + 25 = 30
The score is: 30 / 5

For a false fraction, the numerator is more than 5 times the denominator. If the numerator and denominator are cut off 7 at the same time, the fraction is meaningless

0 is meaningless, 0 + 7 = 7 can determine the denominator is 7 7 × 3 + 5 = 26, so it is 26 out of 7

For a false fraction, the numerator is three times less than the denominator by two. If the denominator is reduced by four at the same time, the fraction is meaningless

If you subtract 4 from the numerator at the same time, the score is meaningless
Description denominator = 4
The numerator is three times less than the denominator by two
Molecule = 3 * 4-2 = 10
The score is 10 / 4

For a false fraction, the numerator is three times less than the denominator. If the numerator and denominator subtract eight at the same time, the fraction is meaningless. What is the fraction?

Suppose that the score is a / B, then a = 3b-3, B-8 cannot be 0, that is, if B is 8, then the score is 21 / 8

For a false fraction, the numerator is more than 5 times of the denominator. If the numerator and denominator subtract 7 at the same time, the fraction is meaningless. What is the false fraction

Denominator = 7;
Molecular = 3 × 7 + 5 = 26;
So it's 26 / 7;
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The numerator of a false fraction is 6 less than 3 times the denominator. If the numerator and denominator subtract 7 at the same time, the fraction is meaningless. What is the false fraction?
Be more detailed, otherwise I'm afraid my brain can't understand, it's too stupid!

It's meaningless to ask the numerator and denominator to subtract 7 at the same time. It means that the denominator minus 7 is 0, so the original denominator is 7, and the numerator is 3 times less than 6 of the denominator, so the numerator is 7 times 3 minus 6 equals 15, so the false fraction is 15 / 7

The false fraction is changed into a band fraction, and the band fraction is changed into a false fraction
As in the exercise book,
3 one third
Nine out of seven
4 nine out of eleven
Although I don't know what the number next to the score means

You can tell the method, but you can't say the answer, because it's harmful to you
A fractional pseudo fraction is a number obtained by multiplying the integral part by the denominator and adding the numerator
For example:
Two and one-third make a false score of seven-thirds
(numerator 2 × 3 + 1 = 7, denominator unchanged or 3)
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How to turn the false score into a question with a score?

The numerator is the divisor and the denominator is the divisor
The quotient is the integral part with fraction, and the remainder is the numerator with fraction
There is no fraction when the remainder is zero

How to turn a fraction into a false fraction

Set of formulas:
With fraction: A has C of B
The pseudo fraction is equal to (a × b) + C of B
Note: A, B and C represent different numbers