A fraction plus a fraction is one fourteenth Two scores cannot be repeated

A fraction plus a fraction is one fourteenth Two scores cannot be repeated

There are many
For example, 1 / 21 + 1 / 42 = 1 / 14

A fraction plus a quarter plus a fraction is one

A quarter plus a quarter plus a half is one

A quarter is the sum of several different fractions?
Wrong. It's one of five different fractions


How to transform a false fraction into a band fraction? The definition of transforming a false fraction into a band fraction is: when a false fraction is transformed into a band fraction, the denominator remains unchanged, the integral part is the quotient of the original numerator divided by the denominator, and the numerator is the remainder of the original numerator divided by the denominator. What is the remainder here?
15 / 4 = (with score)
21 / 8 = (with score)
18 / 5 = (with score)
81 / 27 = (with score)
29 / 6 = (with score)
How much is converted into a score? Please tell me how to calculate? And what is the remainder?

15 / 4 = 3 and 3 / 4
21 / 8 = 2 and 5 / 8
18 / 5 = 3 and 3 / 5
29 / 6 = 4 and 5 / 6

Transforming false fraction into band fraction

According to the relationship between fraction and division, the pseudo fraction is transformed into a band fraction: when the numerator is divided by the denominator, it can be transformed into an integer when the numerator is a multiple of the denominator, and the quotient is the integer; when the numerator is not a multiple of the denominator, it can be transformed into a band fraction, and the quotient is the integral part of the fraction, and the remainder is the numerator of the fraction, and the denominator remains unchanged

How to change a score with a score into a false score?

Multiply the integer by the denominator and add it to the numerator

Can all false scores be changed into band scores

No, the false fraction refers to the fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator. 21 / 3 is also a false fraction, which can also be changed into an integer. The definition of false fraction does not talk about the multiple relationship between numerator and denominator. It only talks about the size. You can think about it slowly

How to know the false fraction represented by fraction? How to calculate the fractional multiplication of rational number?

1. Isn't a fraction composed of an integer and a fraction? Just multiply the integer by the denominator of the fraction and add the numerator, for example
1 and 2 / 3 = 1 * 3 + 2 / 3 = 5 / 3
2. Fractional multiplication only needs to multiply the denominator by the denominator, and the numerator contains the numerator. If necessary, it can be reduced, for example:

If the result of fractional multiplication is a false fraction, will it be wrong to change the false fraction into a band fraction?

If it's a primary school calculation problem, it's right to change the false score into a band score
In the middle school's request, may retain the false mark

How to change a false fraction into a band fraction and a band fraction into a false fraction?,

The pseudo fraction is transformed into a fractional one: divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient is the fraction
The integer part, remainder as numerator, denominator unchanged
Example: 10 / 7 = 1 and 3 / 7
10÷7=1…… three
To convert a fraction into a false fraction: integer multiplied by denominator plus numerator
The numerator and denominator of are the same
Example: 3 and 2 / 5, multiply integer 3 by denominator 5 and add numerator 2 to get 17
The numerator and denominator of 5 remain unchanged
2 of 3 and 5 = 17 / 5