What is the sum of the largest prime number and the smallest composite number within 100______ The difference is______ .

What is the sum of the largest prime number and the smallest composite number within 100______ The difference is______ .

The largest prime number within 100 is 97, the smallest composite number is 4, their sum: 97 + 4 = 101, their sum and difference: 97-4 = 93

What is the sum of the largest prime number and the smallest composite number within 100______ The difference is______ .

The largest prime number within 100 is 97, the smallest composite number is 4, their sum: 97 + 4 = 101, their sum and difference: 97-4 = 93

How many primes are there from 1 to 100

25 in all

In the natural number 1-1000, how many numbers are coprime with 1001?
The answer is 7201001 = 7 times 11 times 13, I don't know why = 720

Among 1000 numbers, there are 142 multiples of 7, 90 multiples of 11, 76 multiples of 13, 12 multiples of 711, 6 multiples of 1113, and 101000-142-90-76 + 12 + 6 + 10 = 720

Add the reciprocal of two natural numbers to get 12 / 7. The two natural numbers are ()


The sum of the reciprocal of two natural numbers is 712______ And______ .

From the meaning of the question, we can see that the product of these two natural numbers is 12, and 7. Only the product of 3 and 4 is 12, and 7. Therefore, these two natural numbers are 3 and 4

The sum of a natural number and its reciprocal is 5.2______ .

2 into a fraction is 515515 = 5 + 15, 5 × 15 = 1; so the natural number is 5

A natural number and itself add, subtract, divide the sum. Difference. Quotient and then add, the result is 2005
The sum, difference and quotient of a natural number and itself are added, subtracted and divided. The result is 2005. What is the original natural number?

Let this number be X
Then add to 2x, subtract to 0 and divide to 1
2X+0+1=2005 X=1002
The original natural number is 1002

The sum, difference and quotient obtained by adding, subtracting and dividing a natural number and itself. If you want to add it again, what is the original number

Let this number be X. add it to 2x, subtract it to 0, and divide it to 1

A natural number is added to itself, subtracted and divided. The sum difference quotient is added again. The result is 1991. What is the original natural number?

The sum of a natural number and itself is twice that
The difference of subtraction is 0, and the quotient of division is 1
So this number is (1991-1) △ 2 = 995