A set of all natural numbers with 1 divided by 4-

A set of all natural numbers with 1 divided by 4-

A set of all natural numbers whose remainder is 1 divided by 4
{x | x = 4K + 1, K belongs to n}

The set of all natural numbers with the remainder of 1 divided by 4 is______ .

All natural numbers with the remainder of 1 divided by 4 are x = 4N + 1, n ∈ n *; the set of all natural numbers with the remainder of 1 divided by 4 is {x | x = 4N + 1, n ∈ n *}. So the answer is: {x | x = 4N + 1, n ∈ n *}

All sets of natural numbers whose remainder is 1 divided by 4
A set of all natural numbers whose remainder is 1 divided by 4
I do this so that x = 4K + 1, X belongs to n
But the answer is x = 4K + 1, K belongs to Z
Why, the title says all natural numbers

The answer is x = 4K + 1, X belongs to n
It is wrong to say that x belongs to N. what should be specified is the variable, not the dependent variable
X = 4K + 1, K belongs to Z and K ≥ 0
Now we also regard zero as a natural number