When a natural number greater than 1 is removed from 300245210, the remainder a, a + 2 and A-14 are obtained respectively. What is the natural number?

When a natural number greater than 1 is removed from 300245210, the remainder a, a + 2 and A-14 are obtained respectively. What is the natural number?

Let K be the number
245=nK+a+2 243=nK+a
210=pK+a+5 205=pK+a
So: 300-243 = 57 can be divided by K
300-205 = 95 divisible by K
243-205 = 38 divisible by K
So K is 19

When a natural number greater than 1 is removed from 300245210, the remainder a, a + 2, and a + 5 are obtained respectively, then what is the word natural number

Let K be the number
245=nK+a+2 243=nK+a
210=pK+a+5 205=pK+a
So: 300-243 = 57 can be divided by K
300-205 = 95 divisible by K
243-205 = 38 divisible by K
So K is 19

The remainder of polynomial x243 + x81 + x27 + x9 + X3 + X divided by X-1 is______ .

Let f (x) = x243 + x81 + x27 + x9 + X3 + x = q (x) (x-1) + R, then f (1) = q (1) × 0 + r = R, that is, r = f (1) = 1243 + 181 + 127 + 19 + 13 + 1 = 6