For a class of natural numbers, the sum of their digits is 2007. What is the smallest one of these natural numbers?

For a class of natural numbers, the sum of their digits is 2007. What is the smallest one of these natural numbers?

2007 / 9 = 223, so the minimum is 9999 9 (223 in total)
If there is a number smaller than 9, if you want to sum up for 2007, you will need 224 or more digits. The more the digits, the bigger it will be

The sum of 9 consecutive natural numbers is 2007. What is the smallest number?
There are four options: 1, 225 2, 223 3, 221 4, 219

Let the minimum number be X
Then x + X + 1 + X + 2 + X + 3 + X + 4 + X + 5 + X + 6 + X + 7 + X + 8 = 2007
The solution is x = 219
So choose 4

Among the natural numbers larger than 2003, how many natural numbers have the same quotient and remainder obtained by dividing 66

In the division with remainder, the remainder must be less than the divisor. The maximum remainder is 65 () divided by 66 = 65.65
() divided by 65 = 30.30, there are 65-29 = 36

A set of all natural numbers whose remainder is 1 divided by 4

Let the set be a, n be a natural number and N > 0
A={x| x=4N+1 }