The natural number 22222.22 is a 2008 digit. This number is divided by 26. What is the remainder

The natural number 22222.22 is a 2008 digit. This number is divided by 26. What is the remainder

The remainder is 12
The three two digit remainder is 14
The four two digit remainder is 12
The five two digit remainder is 18
The six two digit remainder is 0
Seven two digits, the remainder is two
The eight two digit remainder is 22
The nine two digit remainder is 14
That is to say, every 6-digit cycle
So the remainder of the 2008 figure is equivalent to the four Figure 12

Given that the product of n natural numbers is 2007, and the sum of these n natural numbers is also 2007, then the maximum value of n is______ .

2007 = 3 × 3 × 223. To make the sum of the right end of the above formula 2007 and the product still 2007, we think of multiplying by 1, that is, 2007 = 3 × 3 × 223 × 1 × 1 × X 1, because 2007 - (3 + 3 + 223) = 1778, that is, multiply 1778 ones to satisfy the condition, at this time, the maximum value of n is 1778 + 3 = 1781; so the answer is: 1781

There are n natural numbers, the sum is 2007, and the product is also 2007?

The maximum value of N: 2007-229 + 3 = 1781