Prove that a square + b square is greater than or equal to 2Ab by using the formula of sum of two numbers square

Prove that a square + b square is greater than or equal to 2Ab by using the formula of sum of two numbers square


It is known that a ∶ B ∶ C = 4 ∶ 3 ∶ 2, and a + 2b-4c = 4. (1) find the value of a, B, C (2) find the value of 2a-3b + C

Let a = 4x, B = 3x, C = 2x, and substitute a + 2b-4c = 4 to get x =?
So a, B, C can be solved
2a-3b + C can also be obtained
I'll just talk about the method ~ the key is to do it yourself. It's not effective to see the answer directly~


The original formula = (25a & # 178; - 9b & # 178;) &# 178;
Original = [2A & # 178; - (3b-4c)] [2A & # 178; + (3b-4c)]

If the rational numbers a, B, C, satisfy 2a-1 + 3B + 1 + 4c-1 = 0, find the value of 2Ab + C
How to do it?

a=0.5 b=-1/3 c=0.25