In the title, one person decomposes the factor 3x & # 178; YZ & # 178; - 6xyz & # 178; + 9xy & # 178; Z & # 178; to get 3xyz (XZ + 2Z + 3yZ), and another person says he is wrong. I think that's right. But according to international practice, this question should let me change the wrong one to the right one. If that's right, it must be wrong. Is it right or wrong?

In the title, one person decomposes the factor 3x & # 178; YZ & # 178; - 6xyz & # 178; + 9xy & # 178; Z & # 178; to get 3xyz (XZ + 2Z + 3yZ), and another person says he is wrong. I think that's right. But according to international practice, this question should let me change the wrong one to the right one. If that's right, it must be wrong. Is it right or wrong?

There is also a common factor Z that has not been proposed

(4x & # 178; YZ ^ - 1) & # 178; · (2xyz) ^ - 4 ^ (YZ & # 179;) ^ - 2 Calculation


If X & # 178; - 4x + Y & # 178; + 6y + √ Z-3 + 13 = 0, find the value of (YZ) ^ X

x²-4x+y²+6y+√z-3 +13=0
x²-4x+4+y²+6y+9+√z-3 =0
(x-2)²+(y+3)+√z-3 =0
x-2=0 x=2
y+3=0 y=-3
z-3=0 z=3