A cylindrical tin bucket, the side area of the bucket is 3202.8 square centimeters, 4 decimeters. If the weight of water per cubic decimeter is 1 kg, it is not enough Only before 9:00 pm on May 22, 2008

A cylindrical tin bucket, the side area of the bucket is 3202.8 square centimeters, 4 decimeters. If the weight of water per cubic decimeter is 1 kg, it is not enough Only before 9:00 pm on May 22, 2008

3202.8/3.14/2 = 510 square centimeter
3.4 decimeters = 34 cm
510 * 510 (the second power of 510) * 3.14 * 34 = 27768274 cubic centimeter
27768274 * 1 = 27768274 kg

A cylindrical tin bucket is filled with half a bucket of water. After 60% of the water is poured out, there are still 24 liters. The bottom area of the bucket is 10 square decimeters. How many decimeters is the height of the bucket

24 ÷ (1-60%) = 60 liters 60 × 2 ÷ 10 = 12 decimeters

A 8dm high cylindrical bucket is filled with half a bucket of water. The bottom area of the bucket is 4.5 square decimeters, and half a bucket of water is just the same
How many liters?

4.5 * (8 / 2) = 18 cubic decimeters