A cylindrical iron bucket without cover, 6.28 decimeters high, its side is just square, how big is the volume of the bucket?

A cylindrical iron bucket without cover, 6.28 decimeters high, its side is just square, how big is the volume of the bucket?

The bottom radius is: 6.28 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 1 (decimeter) the bottom area is: 3.14 × 12 = 3.14 (square decimeter) the volume is: 3.14 × 6.28 = 19.7192 (cubic decimeter) a: the volume of this bucket is 19.7192 cubic decimeter

A cylindrical tin bucket without cover, 6.28 decimeters high, its side area is just square, what is the volume of the cylinder

If its side area is just a square, the circumference of the bottom of the cylinder is equal to the height
The base radius of the cylinder is
2 = 1 decimeter
The area of the bottom of the cylinder is
1 × 1 × 3.14 = 3.14 square decimeter
Volume of cylinder
3.14 × 6.28 = 19.7192 cubic decimeter

To make a round bucket with a bottom diameter of 20 cm and a height of 50 cm, how many square centimeters of iron sheet is needed to make this bucket?

Bottom area = 3.1416 × 10 & sup2; = 314.16 square centimeter
Side area = 3.1416 × 20 × 50 = 3141.6 square centimeter
Iron sheet required = 314.16 + 3141.6 = 3455.76 square centimeter