The side area of the cylindrical bucket is 18.84 square decimeters, the bottom radius of the bucket is 1 decimeter, and the volume is () cubic decimeter What's the formula

The side area of the cylindrical bucket is 18.84 square decimeters, the bottom radius of the bucket is 1 decimeter, and the volume is () cubic decimeter What's the formula

84 (3.24 × 1 × 2) = 3 (decimeter) cylinder height
3.14 × 1 × 1 × 3 = 9.42 (cubic decimeter) volume

The side area of a cylindrical bucket is 18.84 square decimeters, and the bottom radius of the bucket is 1 decimeter

18.84 △ 3.14 × 1 × 2, = 18.84 △ 6.28, = 3 (decimeter), 3.14 × 12 × 3 = 9.42 (cubic decimeter); a: the volume of the bucket is 9.42 cubic decimeter

A cylindrical bucket has a bottom area of 18 square decimeters and a height of 5DM. How many liters of water is it holding 2 / 3 of the water

18 × 5 × 2 / 3 = 60dm and 179; = 60L