The use of double hook function, how to find the most value

The use of double hook function, how to find the most value

The so-called check function (hyperbolic function) is a function in the form of F (x) = ax + B / X. it is named after the image. When x > 0, f (x) = ax + B / X has the minimum value (here, for the convenience of research, a > 0, b > 0 is specified), that is, when x = sqrt (B / a) (sqrt means finding the square root)
Examples of college entrance examination
The known function y = x + A / X has the following properties: if the constant a > 0, then the function is a decreasing function on (0, √ a], and an increasing function on [√ a, + ∞). (1) if the value range of the function y = x + (2 ^ b) / X (x > 0) is [6, + ∞), then the function y = x + A / X is a decreasing function on (0, √ a, + ∞), Find the value of B; (2) study the monotonicity of the function y = x ^ 2 + C / x ^ 2 (constant C > 0) in the domain of definition and explain the reasons; (3) generalize the functions y = x + A / X and y = x ^ 2 + A / x ^ 2 (constant a > 0) so that they are all special cases of the functions you generalize, And find the maximum and minimum values of the function f (x) = (x ^ 2 + 1 / x) ^ n + (1 / x ^ 2 + x) ^ n (x is a positive integer) in the interval [& frac12;, 2] (use your research conclusion). When x > 0, f (x) = ax + B / X has the minimum value; when x0, from the mean inequality, f (x) = x + 1 / x > = 2 radical (x * 1 / x) = 2; when x = 1 / x, equal to x = 1, the minimum value is: 2, If x0 f (x) = - (- X-1 / x) 0, b > 0) monotonicity on x > 0, let X1 > x2 and x1, X2 ∈ (0, + ∝), then f (x1) - f (x2) = (ax1 + B / x1) - (AX2 + B / x2) = a (x1-x2) - B (x1-x2) / x1x2 = (x1-x2) (ax1x2-b) / x1x2 because X1 > X2, then x1-x2 > 0. If x ∈ (0, √ (B / a)), then x1x20, that is, if x ∈ (√ (B / A), + ∞), f (x) = ax + B / X monotonically increases

Double hook function

A positive scaling function K1X (k > 0 monotone) and an inverse scaling function K2 / X (K2)

By analogy with the translation of the image of quadratic function, the hyperbola y = 1 x is translated two units to the left, and then one unit to the up, and the corresponding analytic expression of the function becomes ()
A. y=x+3x+2B. y=x+1x+2C. y=x+1x−2D. y=x−1x−2

The hyperbola y = 1 x can be obtained by translating 2 units to the left, y = 1 x + 2, and then by translating the image of y = 1 x + 2 up one unit, Y-1 = 1 x + 2, that is, y = x + 3 x + 2

Does the inverse number of the negative third cube have a square root
Does the inverse of the square of minus five have a square root
A color TV is 58 cm long and 46 cm wide. What's the size of this TV
If the lengths of the two right sides of a right triangle are a and B, and the high position h on the hypotenuse, then the following formula always holds
A AB = h's square B A's square + B's Square = 2H's Square
C a 1 / 2 + B 1 / 2 = H 1 / 2

The square of negative five is 25, the opposite number is - 25, negative number has no square root
Color TV size refers to the diagonal length, so it is the square root of (58 ^ 2 + 46 ^ 2)
Exclusion, choose C

16 square root - 1. 21 square root

3+2= 2+2= 1+1= 11+0.5+0.5+18+20+21+19+10= 1+1+2+1


Find the integer part of 1 * (1 / 10 + 1 / 11 + 1 / 12 + 1 / 13. + 1 / 19)

First of all, I don't quite understand what * means,
If it's "multiply", it doesn't seem to have much to do with whether to multiply by "1". Moreover, the number in brackets must be greater than 0 and less than 1. The integer part is 0
If it is "power", any power of 1 is 1
Dizzy Maybe I didn't understand Don't tell me it's Division

Calculation: 11119 × 120 + 108119


Simple calculation of 34 * 108-11 * 34 + 3 * 34


Simple operation: (9-10) * (10-11) * (11-12) * *(108-109);

(9-10)*(10-11)*(11-12)*… *(108-109);