How many times do you need to pull 1000 Ramen

How many times do you need to pull 1000 Ramen

Ramen is folded in half to pull, so each time the root number is twice the original
The result of pulling n times is n power of 2
Because 2 ^ 10 = 1024 > 1000
So pull 10 times

A few on the product of the power of the calculation problem, to be fast
The calculation of the power of the product needs a process
① (-3a^3)^2-a^2*a^4-(a^2)^3
② (-a^3*b^6)^4+(-a^4*b^8)^3
③ -(-x^2)^3*(-x^2)^2-x*(-x^3)^3
④(-2a^2)^3 + (-3a^3)^2 +(-a)^6
By using the property of product's power operation, the simple calculation is carried out
⑤ 2^5*5^4
⑥ (-2/3)^2005 * 1.5^2005
⑦8^8 * (-1/4)^12
⑧ (-3)^5 * (-2/3)^5 * (-5)^6
⑨ If (a ^ 2 * B ^ 2 * C ^ 3) ^ k and a * a ^ 2 * a ^ 3 * [(a ^ 2) ^ 3] ^ k have the same number of times, what is the value of K?

① 7a^6② 0③ 2x^10④ 2a^6⑤ 2^5*5^4=(2^4*5^4)*2=10^4*2=20000⑥ (-2/3)^2005 * 1.5^2005 =[(-2/3)*1.5]^2005=(-1)^2005=-1⑦ 8^8 * (-1/4)^12 =(2*4)^8*(-1/4)^8*(-1/4)^4=[(-1/4*4)^8]*[2^8*(-1/4)^4]=1*[(...

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2. 1 in 10 times 1 in 9 times 1 in 8 times 1 / 2 times 1) ^ 1999 times
(10 times 9 times 8 times Multiply 2 by 1) ^ 1999

Original formula = (a + b) ^ 7
2. The original formula = (1 / 10 times 1 / 9 times 1 / 8 times By 1 / 2 by 1 / 10 by 9 / 8 by Multiply 2 by 1) ^ 1999