If the number in the quadratic root sign is negative, there is no real root. But it should also have a square root. What is its square root?

If the number in the quadratic root sign is negative, there is no real root. But it should also have a square root. What is its square root?

imaginary number
The meaning of imaginary number
(1) [unreliable figure]: [imaginary number]: [imaginary number]: [imaginary number] when a + bi, B in complex number is not equal to zero, it is called imaginary number (3)]: words that do not indicate specific number in Chinese. In mathematics, if the square of a certain number is negative, That number is an imaginary number. All imaginary numbers and real numbers form a complex number. This number has a special symbol "I" (imaginary). We can write positive imaginary number as (+ I), negative imaginary number as (- I), and + 1 as a positive real number, Let (- 1) be regarded as a negative real number. Therefore, we can say √  ̄ (- 1) = ± I. We can even draw the imaginary number system in drawing. If you use a straight line with 0 point as the midpoint to represent a positive real number system, then the positive real number is on one side of 0 point, and the negative real number is on the other side of 0 point, When you make a straight line intersecting the straight line at right angles through 0, you can express the imaginary number system along the second straight line. On the second straight line, the number on one side of 0 is a positive imaginary number, and the number on the other side of 0 is a negative imaginary number, Later, it was found that the imaginary number can correspond to the vertical axis of the plane, which is as true as the real number corresponding to the horizontal axis of the plane. The plane formed by the imaginary number axis and the real number axis is called the complex plane, and each point on the complex plane corresponds to a complex number, But there are two-dimensional positive and negative; integers should be accurately divided into real and virtual integers

The following statement is correct ()
A. Negative numbers and zeros have no square root. The reciprocal of B. 12002 is 2002C. 22 is the fraction D. 0 and the opposite of 1 is itself

A. The square root of 0 is 0, so the choice is wrong; the reciprocal of B and 12002 is 2002, so the choice is correct; C and 22 are irrational numbers, so the choice is wrong; the opposite number of D and 1 is - 1, so the choice is wrong. So choose B

Isn't there no negative number for square root? How can there be - root
Let's say 25 square roots
Is ± square root 25 = plus or minus 5
Or square root 25 = plus or minus 5

Square root has no negative number, which means there is no negative sign inside the root sign, but it can exist outside
It's like - 4. When it comes out, it's - 2
Answer the supplementary question: because the square of positive 5 is 25, the square of negative 5 is also 25, so the root sign 25 is equal to plus or minus 5