Square is negative, how to calculate Suppose the square of x equals - 4, then what is x equal to

Square is negative, how to calculate Suppose the square of x equals - 4, then what is x equal to

This is an imaginary number concept
The square of 2I is - 4, and the square of - 2I is - 4

Can the number after the square be negative
Can you give me an accurate number? Again, what is the imaginary number? Is there an accurate number? Thank you

The number whose square is negative is defined as pure imaginary number. All imaginary numbers are complex numbers. This kind of number has a special symbol "I" (imaginary), which is called imaginary unit. It is defined as I ^ 2 = - 1

How to calculate the square root of a negative number
For example, how to calculate the square root (- 2) 2

Equal to the absolute value of this negative number