Why do negative numbers have no square root?

Why do negative numbers have no square root?

The square root of a negative number is an imaginary number

Why can't the value of square root be negative
For example, why can't you choose - 2 for the value of root 4?

This is the sum of arithmetic squares, which has only one positive value

Is √ 4 (root 4) (square root of 4) positive or negative?

There is a positive root and a negative root

The square of a positive number equals 361. Find the positive number? The square of a negative number equals 121. Find the negative number? The square of a number equals 196. Find the number?
I know the answer, but I don't know how to write it

The square of a positive number is 361?
19 square = 361
This positive number is 19
The square of a negative number equals 121?
(- 11) square = 121
The negative number is - 11
The square of a number is 196?
14 square = 196
(- 14) square = 196
This number is 14 or - 14