The meaning and calculation formula of 1 \ G 2. On buoyancy formula

The meaning and calculation formula of 1 \ G 2. On buoyancy formula

1. 2. Archimedes principle: F floating = g row = PGV. The buoyancy of the liquid is the gravity of the liquid. 3. State method: F floating = g when the object is in suspension or floating

Using the pulley block as shown in the figure to lift the goods, it is known that the weight of the moving pulley is 30n, the weight of the goods is 360n, the rising speed is 0.3m/s, and the power of the pulling force F is 180W (excluding the weight of the rope)

It is known that: g = 360n & nbsp; g = 30n & nbsp; V1 = 0.3m/s & nbsp; P = 180W & nbsp; n = 3 & nbsp; H = 3M, find: (1) η =? (2)Wf=? (1) The speed of hand pulling rope is V2 = 3v1 = 3 × 0.3m/s = 0.9m/s, ∵ P = WT, ∵ the tension acting on the free end of rope is f = PV = 180w0.9m/s = 200N

The formula w / wtotal = f pull H / Fs, which takes into account the dead weight of moving pulley, friction resistance, rope weight and other additional work when pulling objects in vertical direction

W useful / W total = GH / Fs s = NH
The formula of substituting f = (g matter + G motion) / n into the above formula is as follows:
W useful / W total = g matter / (g matter + G movement)
That is to say, when the pulley block with movable pulley does work, the extra work is the work done by the pulling force on the movable pulley. The heavier the movable pulley is, the lower the mechanical efficiency is

As shown in the figure, the weight of object a is 240n, the weight of movable pulley is 60N, and the force F will lift the object vertically at a speed of 1mgs. If the weight and friction of the rope are not taken into account, what is the size of the pull f______ &After 1 s, the work of pulling force F is______ &J, power is______ &What is the mechanical efficiency of the device______ .

According to the figure, n = 2, (1) regardless of rope weight and friction, f = g object + G motion, 2 = 240n + 60n2 = 150n; (2) height of object rising: H = 1m / s × 1s = 1m, distance of pulling force moving: S = 2H = 2m, pulling force work: wtotal = FS = 150n × 2m = 300j, pulling force work power: P = wtotal t = 300j, s = 300W; (3) wyou = GH = 240n × 1m = 240j, mechanical efficiency of this device: η = wyou, wtotal = 240j300j = 80% 50;300;300;80%.

A moving pulley is used to raise the weight of 500N by 0.5m at a uniform speed, and the tension applied at the free end of the rope is 300N, then the total W is 0.5m=______ J. W is useful=______ J. Mechanical efficiency η=______ .

∵ the goods and moving pulley are borne by two sections of rope, ∵ s = 2H = 2 × 0.5m = 1m, ∵ f = 300N, ∵ wtotal = FS = 300N × 1m = 300j, ∵ objects weighing 500N rise by 0.5m, ∵ the effective work of the machine is w = GH = 500N × 0.5m = 250j, so the efficiency of the machine is η = w, and wtotal = 250j300j ≈ 83.3%. So the answer is: 300250, 83.3%

G wheel = w / NH (where n is the number of ropes on the moving pulley and H is the rising height of the moving pulley)

It's wrong
I don't want it
This is only considering the gravity of the moving pulley, not considering the friction

In the formula P = w / T, does w refer to the active work or the total work

W refers to the active work or the total work? It can be the work done by an object or the total work. In the same formula, W and P only need to correspond. That is to say, W is the total work, and the resulting P is the total power. W represents the work done by a force, and P is the power of a force

Give you work, pull force F, mechanical efficiency. How do you find the distance s of the free end of the rope

According to η = wyou / wtotal, the total work wtotal can be obtained
According to wtotal = FS, the distance s of the free end of the rope can be obtained

Is the formula of S = ns and V = Nv of moving pulley also applicable to the calculation of fixed pulley?

Of course, s rope = NH material, V rope = NV material

Calculation formula of physical mechanical energy and work, calculation of useful work, etc