Who listed the related formulas of physical pressure and buoyancy one by one, including Rou = m / V, which is not published in textbooks? Don't take too many words to explain in front of me. Just tell me what the physical quantity is. I want to copy and paste it

Who listed the related formulas of physical pressure and buoyancy one by one, including Rou = m / V, which is not published in textbooks? Don't take too many words to explain in front of me. Just tell me what the physical quantity is. I want to copy and paste it

F floating = g liquid discharge = ρ liquid GV discharge
(row V represents the volume of liquid discharged by the object)
Buoyancy calculation formula: F floating = G-T = ρ liquid GV discharge = f upper and lower pressure difference
When the object floats: F floats = g object and ρ object G object and ρ object

Physics. The relationship between mass, weight, pressure and gravity should be formulated

Mass: a property of an object, usually the amount of material contained in the object. It is the property of an object, so the mass of the same object remains unchanged. M = n * M
Weight: under the action of gravity, the size of the downward and pointing force of an object
Pressure: in physics, pressure refers to the force acting vertically on the surface of an object. The stressed object is the supporting surface of the object, the point of action is on the contact surface, and the direction is perpendicular to the contact surface. When the stressed object is a horizontal plane, pressure (n) = gravity (g). The stressed object is not on the water plane, it is the component force of gravity parallel to the surface of the object
Gravity: the force exerted on an object by the attraction of the earth, g = mg

The formula of mass

1. Mass = density * Volume
2. Mass = gravity / g
3. Kinetic energy = mass * velocity squared / 2

Physical mass formula


Physical formula g = mg, please explain which three words g, m and G are. It's better to write complete words, especially which word is the last G

Gravity is the force exerted on an object due to the attraction of the earth, which is called gravity. In daily life, the gravity of an object is often referred to as weight. The unit of gravity is n, but the symbol is g. the formula is: g = mg. M is the mass of the object, and G is generally 9.8n/kg

Why f-mg = ma

[because overweight is acceleration upward, such as elevator, because of Mg (G + a) & gt; Mg, when you accelerate up or decelerate down, the pressure on the floor is greater than the gravity. Naturally, f = m (G + a)

When Newton's second law works, what formula should be used? For example, f · cos37-m (Mg-F · sin37 °) = ma
What does the formula FN = Mg + F mean?

Newton's second law formula fhe = ma, where fhe is to analyze the force on the research object, analyze the effect of several forces on the object, and determine the size and direction of each force. On this basis, use mathematical knowledge to find the resultant force of these forces, which is fhe. With fhe, you can solve the problem according to Newton's second law fhe = ma. Your f · cos37-m (Mg-F · sin37 °) is fhe
In FN = Mg + F, FN stands for supporting force, Mg stands for gravity, and f stands for friction (possibly static friction). Supporting force is equivalent to resultant force F, which is only the resultant force of some forces
For your reference only! Do more physics and ask more teachers, you will learn it well!

Formula for calculating mechanical efficiency of pulley
Remember that there seems to be more than one. It's better to use carriage return to separate them. Please add the brackets

Mechanical efficiency of pulley block: (ignoring rope weight and friction)
When used to lift heavy objects: η = wyou / wtotal
=G / n.f
=G object / g object + G motion (g motion is the weight of moving pulley)
When it is used to move objects horizontally (i.e. to overcome friction)
η = F.S object / F.S rope
=F / N. f (F is the friction force on the object, s is the object, s is the distance that the object and the rope move respectively)

What are the pulley formulas?

That's the percentage,
I know it's the useful work divided by the total work. I want the inference formula of W and W

The total efficiency of ghfs = w
It is the ratio of useful work to total work