What's the meaning of ml / dl? How to read it? What's the difference between ml / dl and Mg / dl

What's the meaning of ml / dl? How to read it? What's the difference between ml / dl and Mg / dl

Milliliter = milliliter
Deciliter = liter

Mg / dl is what unit, how to read, best with phonetic
Medical unit, or chemical unit. Who can introduce it carefully

Mg / dl
Mg of solute per 100 ml solution

Conversion formula of mol / L and Mg / L!
I use the soil fertility meter to measure the K ion concentration is 4.331mol/l. The P ion concentration is 3.615mol/l. How to convert it into mg / L? What is the value? Please include the calculation process


How to convert mmol / L to mg / dl
The molecular weight was 1803.61mmol/l and 6.111mmol/l respectively

I wish you success!

How to convert mmol / L and Mg / L?

Mass (m) = mass of substance (n) * molar mass (m)
1(mmol / L)= M * mg/L
Take Ca2 + as an example,
If the mass of 1 mmol Ca2 + is 40 mg, the relationship between them is 1 mmol / L = 40 mg / L
I don't understand hi

mmol/L = mg/dl
What's on the blood report,
88 mmol / L cholesterol = how much mg / dl
0.86 mmol / L triglyceride = how much mg / dl
0.83 mmol / L HDL = how much mg / dl
1.66 mmol / L LDL = how many mg / dl


According to the formula of G = mg, P = f / s, the pressure of a uniform cylinder resting on a horizontal table is p = pGH

Calculation formula P = f / s, P = pGH, meaning of each letter
F = PS letter meaning. Just answer. Supplementary pull. I need it urgently

P Pressure f pressure s stress area
P liquid pressure ρ liquid density G is a constant, which is 9.8n/kg (generally approximate to 10N / kg) H liquid depth
F = PS and P = f / s have the same meaning. F = PS is just another way to write P = f / s

Can g = Mg (g = 9.8N / kg) be used to calculate the gravity of the earth? Why?

Of course not! When we calculate g = 9.8, we calculate the value on the surface of the earth, and the value is different at different latitudes of the earth, let alone in the interior of the earth?
Calculate the mass of the earth, you can calculate by gravity!

What does g = 9.8n/kg mean in physics

G represents the ratio of the gravity of an object to its mass. That is to say, if an object weighs 1kg, its gravity is 9.8N