What is Archimedes' formula of buoyancy principle An object is subjected to upward buoyancy, which is equal to the gravity of the liquid displaced by the object!

What is Archimedes' formula of buoyancy principle An object is subjected to upward buoyancy, which is equal to the gravity of the liquid displaced by the object!

F floating = g row = ρ liquid GV row
F is the buoyancy of an object
Row G is the gravity of the liquid
ρ is the density of the liquid
V row = volume of drained water. When the object is completely immersed in water, V row is also equal to the volume of the object

Methods to calculate buoyancy (1) weighing method: (2) formula method (Archimedes law): - (pay attention to unity of units) (3) balance of two forces
(3) Two force balance method (suspension, floating conditions)——

Buoyancy = gravity - the pulling force in water
Formula: PVG
Levitation: gravity = buoyancy

When to use Archimedes law, when to use f = G-F pull, when to use f = f up-f down when to calculate buoyancy

The Archimedes principle is applicable in any situation, so it can be used no matter how floating or sinking, but it is necessary to know the density of liquid and the volume of the object immersed. However, in practical problems, the floating or sinking conditions of objects are more often used. Remember the floating or sinking conditions

Archimedes' buoyancy theorem··
F floating = ρ liquid (gas) GV discharge
If there is a thing weighing 2500 kg, suspended in water, the volume is 25 cubic meters, and the density of sea water is 1400 kg / cubic meters. G is 10 N / kg
What's the gravity of that object?
Do you want to multiply by 2500 kg?
I'm sorry. It's buoyancy, not gravity``

Gravity is equal to mass times G

When calculating buoyancy, first consider whether buoyancy is equal to gravity or Archimedes law, and which formula should be used when there are any conditions
It's when it's floating or floating

It's equal to gravity
F = ρ liquid GV discharge is calculated when it is not out of date

Determination of buoyancy F and G

F floating > G object, the object will float up and finally float
If f floats, the object will sink and eventually sink to the bottom
F floating = g objects, objects suspended

When floating in buoyancy, why f = g?
I understand the principle of two force balance, but if the object is only partially submerged, then it is wrong to calculate according to f = pGH. Why?
Wrong number. It's f = PGV. I hope you can give me an easy answer,

The resultant force is zero

How to prove the floating state in buoyancy? Why is f floating = g floating
How to prove the floating state in buoyancy? Why is f floating = g floating? And give me some questions about buoyancy
And give me some questions about draining boiled water, as well as the exercises about mass fraction. Floating is because of the balance of the two forces. Then why is the ship floating when it's running

Hello LZ
When an object is at rest, it must be in a state of no force or balance of two forces. Obviously, the object floating on the water is affected by the vertical downward force of gravity g, and why can it float on the water without sinking? Because buoyancy lifts it up from below, so as to make the force balance up and down, so we can get that G object = f floating

Second grade physics buoyancy weighing method f float = G-F pull what is f pull

If an iron ball is tied under the spring scale and put into the water, the buoyancy of the iron ball is G-F pull, and f pull is the reading of the spring scale

How to convert g / kg to mg / kg
