All the formulas for buoyancy and pressure

All the formulas for buoyancy and pressure

1. Definition: the mass of a substance per unit volume. 2. Formula: density = mass / volume, ρ = m / V 3, unit: g / cm 3 or kg / M 3. Conversion relation: 1 g / cm 3 = 1000 thousand

At the May day entertainment party, CHEN Si demonstrated the experiment as shown in the figure. There are three bowls in a line, and a table tennis ball is placed in the middle bowl. When a small pipe is used to blow air diagonally above the ball, the table tennis ball will ()
A. Still standing B. moving to left bowl C. moving to right bowl D. not sure

When a small pipe is used to blow air obliquely above the table tennis ball, the velocity of the air above is large and the pressure is small, and the table tennis ball will rise because of an upward pressure difference. When the table tennis ball rises, the velocity of the air on the right side is large and the pressure is small, and the velocity of the air on the left side is small and the pressure is high, so the table tennis ball will move to the right side (only when the air is blown obliquely upward) And D are all incorrect

A and B are two rectangular solid blocks, which are placed on the sand and sunk into the sand at the same depth. It is known that s a > s B, h a < H B, then the density, mass and pressure relations of a and B are & nbsp; ρ a respectively______ ρ B, m a______ M B, P A______ P B

(1) ∵ A and B two cuboid solid blocks, placed on the sand, sink into the sand at the same depth, ∵ p a = P B, ∵ s a > s B, ∵ according to P = FS, f a > F B, ∵ the pressure of the object on the horizontal plane is equal to its own gravity, ∵ g a > G B, ∵ g = mg, ∵ m a > m B; (2) the pressure of the cuboid on the sand on the horizontal plane P = FS = GS = MGS = ρ VGS = ρ SHGs = ρ GH, Therefore, the answer is: >; =

Velocity is a physical quantity used to represent an object

Speed is a physical quantity used to express the speed of an object

Temperature is the temperature of an object______ Physical quantity

The degree of coldness and hotness of an object is expressed by temperature, so temperature is a physical quantity to compare the degree of coldness and hotness of an object

In physics, velocity is used to express______ The physical quantity of the system

In physics, speed is a physical quantity used to express the speed of an object

What is the speed of an object passing through? Is the speed a physical quantity used to represent the object?

Fill in according to the box you give:
The distance an object passes in unit time is called speed. Speed is a physical quantity used to express the speed and direction of an object

What is the physical quantity to describe the speed of linear motion with variable speed


In the process of uniform linear motion, which physical quantities appear in the expression of the law of displacement change
It is necessary to know some of the physical quantities in order to work out other physical quantities

They are displacement, velocity, time and acceleration

The average speed is the speed of the moving object____ Physical quantity of 22

The average value of unit time displacement in a period of time