The physical meaning of G = 9.8n/kg is______ .

The physical meaning of G = 9.8n/kg is______ .

G stands for gravity, the unit is n, m stands for mass, the unit is kg. The relationship between gravity and mass: g = GM, the unit is n / kg, so the physical meaning of G is: the gravity of an object with a mass of 1kg is 9.8N. So the answer is: the gravity of an object with a mass of 1kg is 9.8N

In physics, g = mg, where g = 9.8n/kg. What does g mean?
Is g the speed at which an object falls?
If so, will it change? For example, if an object falls from different heights, it bears different forces and its speed is also different. If an object falls from the 10th floor or the 1st floor, the time of falling from the 10th floor is different. What role does constant G play here?

Here's g, as you'll learn in high school, it's acceleration of free fall, also known as acceleration of gravity, it's not velocity
On the surface of the earth, the value of G varies slightly, but it is very close to the value of 9.8 (International System of units)
In junior high school, because of limited knowledge, we usually say g is a constant

For suspension and floating, is there a formula F floating = g discharge = g matter

The first equation is the expression of buoyancy obtained by Archimedes, which holds even for a sunk object
The second equation is derived from Newton's first law of motion. The object is stationary, so the external force equals zero, so buoyancy equals gravity

The relationship between F and G in floating, floating and sinking
For example:
Floating: F floating G
Suspension: F-G
Sinking: F floating G
(fill in "" on the horizontal line)
It's better to have a detailed explanation, but not too messy,

Floating: F floating = g
According to Archimedes principle, the volume of liquid is less than the volume of object, so the density of object is less than the density of liquid
Levitation: F = g
According to Archimedes principle, the volume of liquid is the original volume of the object, so the density of the object is equal to the density of the liquid
Sinking: F floating

F floating = g liquid discharge = ρ liquid GV liquid discharge floating V is less than suspended F, then why floating f = suspended f
Explain the details, otherwise I will not set 100 points``````

First of all, you need to make clear two concepts: floating means that the object is completely submerged, and suspension means that the object is suspended above the liquid
Floating f = g discharge = ρ discharge = weight of object
In suspension, f floats = g discharges = ρ discharges gvdischarges = weight of the object
But in these two cases, the mass of the object is not the same, so V discharge is not equal
Take a simple example: table tennis and small wooden ball can float on the water surface, and when they float, f = the weight of the object, but because the two weights are not the same, so the V drainage of the two is not equal. The analysis method for the same object is also similar. We need to analyze according to the force of the object, I don't know if I'm detailed enough

When an object floats or floats, does it have f = g object?

Not necessarily
There are conditions
1. When the object is floating or floating, if there is external force acting on the object (for example, when floating, you can use your hand to pull up the object a little)
In this case, f is not equal to g
2. When an object floats or floats, there is no external force acting on it. At this time, f floats = g object

Why can't we use f floating = m row g except floating and floating?
Does immersion include suspension? If so, why can't f float = m row G?

What you said is wrong. It can be used, it must be used!
Because only levitation and floatation are in equilibrium
Both floating and floating can use f floating = m row g. immersion includes suspension
Just pay attention to how to calculate row M
M row = P liquid V row, V row is the volume of the object immersed in the liquid
In the suspended state, V row = V object, which can be replaced by the volume of the object itself

Is m in F = g = mg the weight of the object or the mass of the discharged water?

Both are

① The molar mass of Mg is 0______ The mass of 1 mol mg is 1.5 g / mol______ g. 5 molmg______ g

The molar mass of Mg is 24g / mol, the mass of 1 mol mg is 24g, and the mass of 0.5 mol mg is 12g

Where g = mg, G is gravity, M is mass, what is g

Where g = mg, G is gravity in N, M is mass in kg, and G is acceleration of gravity in N / kg
be careful:
1. For example, the acceleration of gravity on the moon is only 1 / 6 of that of the earth;
2. In physical calculation, g = 9.8n/kg or g = 10N / kg is usually used