Why not use Archimedes principle to calculate the buoyancy of floating objects? The teacher said that when floating, f floating = g object can discharge liquid according to Archimedes principle. That is to say, the buoyancy has something to do with the volume of the immersed liquid. Isn't there part of the floating that is not completely submerged? How can we say that f floating = gravity? These two problems can be calculated in both aspects What kind of application is it? When and how to use it? What's the difference

Why not use Archimedes principle to calculate the buoyancy of floating objects? The teacher said that when floating, f floating = g object can discharge liquid according to Archimedes principle. That is to say, the buoyancy has something to do with the volume of the immersed liquid. Isn't there part of the floating that is not completely submerged? How can we say that f floating = gravity? These two problems can be calculated in both aspects What kind of application is it? When and how to use it? What's the difference

Because, floating, the object is in a state of equilibrium, according to the balance of two forces, f floating = g, of course, the premise is that the object is only affected by two forces, that is, if the depth of the object in a liquid does not change, that is, the V row does not change; and according to the Archimedes principle, as long as you know the V row and the density of the liquid, you can calculate the buoyancy, Do you understand? The key to learning physics is to find out the applicable scope of the formula! I wish you progress in your study!

According to Archimedes' principle and related knowledge, we can deduce that f = ρ liquid GV row
It can be seen that the buoyancy of the object is related to the volume of the discharged water and the density of the liquid
Xiao Ming is a thoughtful classmate. He always thinks that the buoyancy of an object may also be related to its shape. To solve this problem, the following equipment is provided for you to choose. Please design an inquiry experiment to help Xiao Ming relieve his confusion
Optional equipment are: Spring dynamometer, three different shapes and sizes of small stones, plasticine, beaker, thin line, water
① The equipment you choose is:
② What is your research plan (or experimental steps)
③ How will you draw conclusions based on the phenomena observed or experimental data obtained in the process of exploration

(1) Spring dynamometer, plasticine, beaker, thin wire and water;
(2) The experimental steps are as follows
① Use a thin line to hang the rubber on the spring dynamometer and measure the weight g of the rubber;
② Immerse the rubber clay in water and record the indication F1 of the dynamometer;
③ Change the shape of the rubber putty, immerse the rubber putty in water, and record the indication F2 of the dynamometer;
④ Then change the shape of the rubber putty, immerse it in water, and record the indication F3 of the dynamometer
(3) Conclusion: the buoyancy of each time in the water can be calculated. If the buoyancy of each time is equal, the buoyancy has nothing to do with the shape; if the buoyancy of each time is not equal, the buoyancy has something to do with the shape
(2) Experimental steps
① Use a thin line to hang the rubber on the spring dynamometer, immerse the rubber in water, and record the indication F1 of the dynamometer;
② Change the shape of the rubber putty, immerse it in water, and record the indication F2 of the dynamometer;
③ Then change the shape of the rubber putty, immerse it in water, and write down the indication F3 of the dynamometer
(3) Conclusion: compare the dynamometer number of each time when the rubber clay is immersed in water. If the dynamometer number is equal, it means that the buoyancy is independent of the shape; if the dynamometer number is not equal, it means that the buoyancy is related to the shape

How to calculate the V row in Archimedes' principle (the first question is how to calculate the buoyancy) buoyancy does not know, only the density

When floating, the buoyancy of an object is equal to gravity. Why is the mass of water discharged equal to the mass of the object

Because the force on the object is balanced, now it is only subjected to two forces, gravity and buoyancy, while the object is still, so the two forces are equal!

When an object floats on the surface of the water, its buoyancy is equal to the gravity of the drained water?
Isn't Archimedes' principle applied to objects immersed in liquid?
What about floating objects?
What gravity?
The gravity of draining water or the gravity of the object itself?

The buoyancy of an object is the gravity of draining water. When it is suspended on the water surface, the gravity of the object itself is equal to the buoyancy, that is, the gravity of draining water,

When an object floats, buoyancy equals gravity, unfolds, P liquid GV row = mg, at this time v row refers to the total volume of the object
When an object floats, the buoyancy is equal to gravity. When it unfolds, P liquid GV row = mg. In this case, does V row refer to the total volume of the object or the volume of the object immersed in water?

When an object floats, row V is not equal to the volume V of the object

When an object floats on the water, its buoyancy equals to gravity. When an object floats on the water, its buoyancy equals to the gravity of draining water. Is the above conclusion correct
Is buoyancy equal to gravity when an object is suspended or sunk in water

When floating or suspending, the object is still, and the buoyancy is equal to the gravity of the object itself
When sinking, it is neither static nor uniform linear motion, buoyancy is not equal to the gravity of the object itself
But no matter floating, suspending, sinking or floating, buoyancy must be equal to the gravity of the liquid displaced by the object
You have to see clearly, distinguish between the gravity of the object itself and the gravity of the excluded liquid, which are different

Is the buoyancy of an object equal to its own gravity or the gravity of the boiled water it discharges?
When is it equal to the gravity of the discharged water? When is it equal to its own gravity? Is it equal to the gravity of the discharged water when it floats or floats? 》 、

The buoyancy of an object in liquid can be considered from two aspects. 1. When the object is floating or suspended, it is only affected by gravity and buoyancy. Therefore, when it is still, the two forces are balanced and buoyancy = gravity. However, if the buoyancy of the object is relatively small and it sinks to the bottom of the container, its stress will change: heavy

The knowledge of buoyancy physics used by Cao Chong

Buoyancy in water is equal to the gravity of the displaced water
Cao Chong used the equivalent substitution method in physical experiment

When an object is floating, is gravity equal to buoyancy?

Floating: the buoyancy of the object is equal to the gravity of the object. Part of the floating object is underwater and part of it is on the water. The volume of the water discharged from the underwater part is just the buoyancy equal to the gravity of the object, just like a ship. When the ship is empty, the buoyancy of the underwater part is equal to the gravity of the ship itself. When the ship is loaded with the object, the total gravity increases, and the ship will sink, In this way, the buoyancy of the ship is increased. The maximum buoyancy of the ship is that the ship enters the water completely. If the weight of the cargo plus the weight of the ship equals the maximum buoyancy, the ship is in suspension (or the critical state of suspension and floating)
Levitation: the whole body sinks into the water, and the volume of the body displaces the water exactly equal to the gravity of the body, so that it will neither sink (constant gravity = constant buoyancy) nor float up