In natural numbers, there must be two adjacent odd numbers______ The number adjacent to any even number (except 0) must be two______ Count

In natural numbers, there must be two adjacent odd numbers______ The number adjacent to any even number (except 0) must be two______ Count

In the natural number, the number adjacent to any odd number must be two even numbers, and the number adjacent to any even number (except 0) must be two odd numbers

(1) X is an odd number, what are the two odd numbers adjacent to it? (4) a and B are both natural numbers, a / b = 1 / 12, what is the greatest common factor of a and B?
I've finished the questions, but these are wrong, and I can't understand them, so I'd like to ask the expert for advice. Thank you
X-2 and X + 2, that's how we answer them. Why are they wrong.


In natural number, what is the smallest odd number, what is the smallest even number in two bits, and how much is the difference between two adjacent odd numbers

Odd number -5,-3,-1,1,3,5… And even numbers -4,-2,0,2,4… Natural numbers 0,1,2,3,4 Under the condition that they are all natural numbers, the smallest odd number is 1, the smallest even number is 10, and the difference between adjacent odd numbers is 5-3 = 3-1 = It's nature