Natural numbers within 20 are odd numbers and composite numbers. If they are even numbers and prime numbers, they are composite numbers

Natural numbers within 20 are odd numbers and composite numbers. If they are even numbers and prime numbers, they are composite numbers

Natural numbers within 20 are odd numbers and composite numbers, with (9,15), even numbers and prime numbers with (2), and two adjacent numbers are composite numbers with 8,9,10 and 14,15,16

N is a natural number greater than 1, and the two natural numbers adjacent to n are______ And______ .

N is a natural number greater than 1, and the two natural numbers adjacent to n are n-1, N + 1

If n is a natural number greater than 1, what are the two even numbers adjacent to n

N should be greater than 1, and be a natural number, and the adjacent numbers should be even, so 2 cannot be taken
When n is 3, the even number adjacent to n is 2,4
When n is 5, even numbers adjacent to n are 4,6
N is 2 + N, adjacent to N, 1 + N, N + 3