About: the third C of the square B of 15A - the third B of 6A

About: the third C of the square B of 15A - the third B of 6A

The original formula = - 6A & # 179; B / (15a & # 178; B & # 179; c) the numerator and denominator are reduced to 3A & # 178; B at the same time
= -2a/(5b²c)

How to divide the square of a + 7a-8

Not reductive, factoring: A & sup2; + 7a-8 = (a + 8) (A-1)

For a fraction, the original fraction is about 5 / 9, and the numerator of the original fraction plus 10 is about 7 / 9. What's the original fraction?
Explain how to calculate!

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