The density of human body is about 10 cubic meters, and the mass of one person is 50kg My calculation process is v = m / P = 50kg / 1000kg / M m3, but the result is 1 / 20 m3. I don't think the data is correct

The density of human body is about 10 cubic meters, and the mass of one person is 50kg My calculation process is v = m / P = 50kg / 1000kg / M m3, but the result is 1 / 20 m3. I don't think the data is correct

The answer is right, and actually people are about this size

The density of human body is similar to that of water. How many kg is the mass of a normal adult? How many cubic meters is its volume?
The density of water is 1.0 times 10

The density of human body is similar to that of water. The mass of a normal adult is about 60kg, and its volume is 60 / (1 * 1000) = 0.06m3

The density of human body is almost the same as that of water. Try to calculate the buoyancy of 60kg people in the air (air density = 1.29kg/m3)