Answers on page 39 and 40 of Mathematics Evaluation Manual of sixth grade volume I of Jiangsu Education Press

Answers on page 39 and 40 of Mathematics Evaluation Manual of sixth grade volume I of Jiangsu Education Press

39 pages × 4 / 3, 5 / 6 × 9 / 10, × 3 / 2, 7 / 8 × 16 / >, >, <, =, >, =
40 pages 1. Total length × 4 / 7 = length of completed course, number of girls × 4 / 5 = number of boys, number of black rabbits × 1 / 8 = number of white rabbits more than black rabbits, planned quantity × 1 / 10 = actual quantity less than planned

The last question on page 15 of the sixth grade primary school mathematics evaluation manual published by Jiangsu Education Press?

Party A and Party B cooperate to complete a work. Due to the good cooperation, the work efficiency of Party A is one tenth higher than that of Party B. the work efficiency of Party A is one fifth higher than that of Party B. Party A and Party B cooperate for four hours to complete two fifths of the whole work, 13 / 30 of the work is left unfinished. How many hours does it take for Party A to finish the work alone?
Party B shall complete 1-2 / 5-13 / 30 = 3 / 5-13 / 30 = 1 / 6 of the whole project in 4 hours
B's work efficiency = (1 / 6) / 4 = = 1 / 24
It takes 1 / (1 / 24) = 24 hours for B to do it alone
After the work efficiency of Party B is increased by 1 / 5, it is (1 / 24) x (1 + 1 / 5) = 1 / 20
The work efficiency of Party A and Party B after improvement = (2 / 5) / 4 = 1 / 10
Then the work efficiency of a is 1 / 10-1 / 20 = 1 / 20
A's original work efficiency = (1 / 20) / (1 + 1 / 10) = 1 / 22
It takes 1 / (1 / 22) = 22 hours for a to do it alone
For reference only

Question 1 on page 31 of primary school mathematics evaluation manual (Volume 1, grade 6, Jiangsu Education Press)
2 out of 5 * 3 out of 8 * 5 out of 9=
7 out of 12 * 4 * 3 out of 7=
7 out of 18 * 25 out of 24 * 3 out of 17=
5 out of 9 * 7 out of 10 * 12=

2 out of 5 * 3 out of 8 * 5 out of 9 = 1 / 12
7 out of 12 * 4 * 3 out of 7 = 1
7 out of 18 * 25 out of 24 * 3 out of 17 = 28 / 425
5 out of 9 * 7 out of 10 * 12 = 14 / 3

The last question on page 5 of Primary School Mathematics Evaluation Handbook of Jiangsu Education Press?


9, 10 pages

The problem is as follows: there are four piles of pieces, and the number of pieces in each pile is 1, 9, 9 and 9 respectively. The two people take turns to take pieces, and each time they can only take one, two and three pieces from one pile. They can even take all the pieces from this pile, but they can't do without taking them. In the end, whoever doesn't have any pieces will lose. How can they become the "ever victorious general"?

Jiangsu primary school mathematics grade six Volume I evaluation manual 55 page answers

(1) pear (4x-20) kg. (2) father's weight is (3x + 15) kg. 3. Solution: he walks x kilometers per hour. 3x + 3 = 18, 3x = 18-3x = 54

Mathematics evaluation manual for Grade 6 Volume 2 of Jiangsu Education Press
A plane can carry fuel for up to 6 hours. When the plane goes downwind, the speed is 1500 km / h; when it comes back upwind, the speed is 1200 km / h. how many kilometers does the plane have to fly back?

Let's fly out x km and return. (x / 1500 is the time to go, and X / 1200 is the time to come back against the wind.)
So it's 4000 km

It is a cylindrical reservoir. The perimeter of the bottom surface is 25.12 meters and the depth is 5 meters. The inner wall and the bottom surface are plastered with cement. What is the area of plastering cement?

(1) Side area of pool: 25.12 × 5 = 125.6 (M2) bottom area of pool: 3.14 × (25.12 △ 3.14 △ 2) 2 = 3.14 × 22 = 3.14 × 4 = 12.56 (M2) area of cement plastering part: 125.6 + 12.56 = 138.16 (M2) a: area of cement plastering part is 138.16 M2

Answers on page 23 of Mathematics Evaluation Manual of sixth grade volume II of Jiangsu Education Press
The square wood block with the edge length of 2 decimeters is cut into the largest cone, and the volume of the cone is () cubic decimeters

It should be 2 π / 3

Unit 67 test of Mathematics Evaluation Manual of Jiangsu Education Press
I give 100 points!

The answers are as follows: 1, 1, positive; 2, 3 / 4; 4 / 3, 3 / 8; 2 / 5, 4, 63 / 256, 5, the relationship between the quantity of each part and the total quantity 6, 26.7; 28.5; 30, 7, 1 / 4; 1 / 2; 3 / 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1, 1, (1) 108; 108; 110 (2)