Answers to unit exercise 4 of the sixth Chinese Evaluation Manual of Jiangsu Education Press Please submit it before 20:00 p.m. on April 10, 2013

Answers to unit exercise 4 of the sixth Chinese Evaluation Manual of Jiangsu Education Press Please submit it before 20:00 p.m. on April 10, 2013

1、 Bat obstacles and threats
2、 Pancake (option 2) sneak in (option 1) jam (option 1) a building (option 2)
3、 (i.e. to make wisdom come into being in the absence of (i.e. to be) urgent
4、 The boiling water is boiling
2. An exciting football match reached its peak, and the audience were all enthusiastic
3. In the morning, the food market is full of people
5、 1. Where can I get the tiger
2. You will be happy when you hear it
3. If you listen to both, you will know
4. Benefit from modesty
5. Good medicine tastes bitter
6、 A
7、 1. Cross out "worthy of the name", "superb" and "worried"
2. He thinks he is a good painter
3. At this time, young people__ Suddenly realized, sincerely worship monk Shiyuan as a teacher___ .
4. A: my understanding is that if the valley is low, there will be running water, but if the mountain is high, there will be no running water. To be a man, we should learn the modesty of the valley, not be proud. We should also be as shameless as Confucius, listen to other people's opinions, and correct our shortcomings. Only in this way can we continuously improve our own level

How to write questions 2, 3, 4 and 5 in unit 7 of Chinese Evaluation Manual

In the memory of "me", what are the impressions of Miss Cai?
There are seven more details: 1
2. Teaching dance
3. Teaching and observing bees
4. Teaching and reading poetry
5. Watch the teacher write
6. Remove minor disputes (detailed)
7. Looking for a teacher in a dream
With emotion as the clue and psychological description, the language is simple and pure
It expresses teachers' love for students (main) and students' love for teachers (secondary)
Writing style is narrative prose, writing order is from class to extracurricular, from peacetime to holiday, from school to outside
2. The article is full of deep love for the teacher between the lines, so what is the emotional clue throughout the full text?
I miss miss miss miss Cai, attachment to the ideological and emotional changes as emotional clues throughout the full text
3. Miss Cai helped me, criticized my reactionaries, and wrote a letter to comfort me
No. help is help in behavior. Aid is not only help in behavior, but also help in mind, so it can't be replaced
4. First use the third person, then use the second person. What is the effect of the change of person on the expression of emotion?
The third person is used to state the facts, and then the second person is used. The feeling is stronger. It seems that we are talking face to face with Mr. Cai, which makes us feel more cordial. The author is eager to talk face to face with Mr. Cai during the summer vacation, which expresses the author's attachment to Mr. Cai
5. With children's cunning eyes, I realized that she loved us and didn't mean to beat us. What's the function of expression
Cunning means mischievous and clever. It vividly describes students' understanding, love and affection for teachers
It's all made by myself,

1. Read the underlined sentences and think about how Mother's mood changes
2. At the end of the article, it is said that "the young mother smiles, so calm and comfortable." why does the young mother smile? What do she feel?
3. What do young mothers think of?
4. After reading the full text, I think of some famous sentences and two!

1. (1) very nervous at first, then slowly relieved, and finally apologized for the influence of the people around
(2) When the mother saw the bright red blood on her child's lapel, she was more worried about her child's injury
2. Because he felt relieved when he saw that his child was all right, I realized that the mother's love for her child was great. Even if she was seriously injured, she had to check whether her child was injured first
We should be kind to our mother and not let her worry, because she always put us first. No matter how hard we are, we don't care. They just want us to be happy
Maternal love is the greatest power in the world
I'm lucky to have a mother who loves me
I typed all the above words one by one,
We've just finished the reading, which the teacher said

Answers to reading training 2 of Chinese evaluation manual for primary school grade 6 Volume 2
Please, it's due on March 8th. Hurry up I'm in a hurry

1. D 2. People who sweat a lot during exercise; people with cold limbs and weak breathing; people who feel very cold and shiver all over. 3. Blue; red; dark yellow; gray, blue, black. 4. My understanding is that this sentence is correct. Because people with different diseases, the color of perspiration will vary according to the disease, just as the indicator of the disease, such as high copper salt content in perspiration, light blue, You can also see a person's physical condition

Reading answers to the sixth grade Chinese evaluation manual "children are innocent"

Children should not be abused. Children are innocent. They can't change their own destiny. Why should they put his father's accusation on him and let the past pass
At this time, a woman named ina rushed upstairs to save her dying child. She adopted the child, and her husband was executed by the child's father in the street for helping Jews. No one in the neighborhood understood her, or even agreed to let the child stay in their neighborhood, They asked her to send the child to the orphanage or throw the child away. When Aina refused, some people threw filth at her window all day and all night, abusing her. Her own children didn't understand her either. They often ran away from home and threw stones at their mother together. But Aina always held the child tightly in her arms. The most she said was, "how beautiful you are, You're a little angel. '
He received the best gift in his life. Every neighbor sent a person to attend his graduation ceremony. I think it's like this: everyone's practice is a kind of trust and kindness to the child. They begin to trust the child, treat him normally, don't humiliate him, and make the child feel happy

Answers to lesson 21 of Chinese evaluation manual in Grade 6 of primary school

1. Brief introduction
2. Love (love) to be frank (candid) to be direct (outspoken)
Consolidate the classroom
Flaubert: guidance and guidance
Maupassant: seeking advice with an open mind and studying hard
The king of short stories
Connecting: America Hemingway the old man and the sea
France - Maupassant - Suede ball
France Flaubert Madame Bovary
France - met - miserable world
Russia -- Leo Tolstoy -- war and peace
Soviet Union Gorky childhood
If you want to be talented, you must persevere and observe carefully

The second tree in the text "died before the end of summer". What is the possible reason? Please write down your conjecture in simple language

A: maybe it's because the dying branches and leaves absorb and evaporate the original nutrients
(this is my answer)

The edge length of a cube glass tank is 4 decimeters. First fill it with water, and then pour all the water into a rectangular tank with a bottom area of 20 square decimeters. How high is the water in the tank?

4 × 4 × 4 △ 20 = 64 △ 20 = 3.2 (decimeter) a: the height of water surface in the tank is 3.2 decimeters

Primary School Mathematics Evaluation Handbook grade 6 Volume 1 page 81 answers

33. A, B and c run a 60 meter race. When a reaches the finish line, they are 10 meters ahead of B and 20 meters ahead of C. according to the original speed, when B reaches the finish line, how many meters ahead of C? A runs 100 meters, B runs 90 meters, C runs 80 meters

Mathematics evaluation manual for Grade 6 Volume 1
Title: 180 tons of grain are stored in warehouse A and 120 tons are stored in warehouse B. part of the grain in warehouse A is transported to warehouse B, so that the grain in warehouse B is twice as much as that in warehouse A. how much does warehouse a transport to warehouse B?