The article ends with the laughter of the old man and the flying and falling of a pair of resident birds. This ending has some implication. Can you realize the advantages of the author's ending like this?

The article ends with the laughter of the old man and the flying and falling of a pair of resident birds. This ending has some implication. Can you realize the advantages of the author's ending like this?

Give people the space to imagine

Seek the answers to questions 1 to 4 of spring seeking in Lesson 11 of the evaluation manual of Chinese seven
1. At the end of the article, "in this moment, I seem to find the steps of spring." what does "the steps of spring" mean?
2. Please complete the author's spring route
Through () () - through the sparse forest - across the bridge - to () ()
3. What is the truth that the author has learned from the grass color "remote viewing" and "close viewing" but not?
4. The following is an incorrect comparison between the description of spring grass in this paper and the text spring
A this paper focuses on the color of spring grass, while spring describes the situation, color and situation of spring grass
B this paper describes spring grass in the front, and spring describes spring grass in the way of combining front and side
C the color of grass that the author of this article sees is hidden, but the color of grass that the author of spring sees is more intense
This article describes the vitality of spring grass, with decaying grass as the foil, while spring uses the light and quiet spring breeze as the foil
Since I don't have enough words, please search for this article and "spring" by yourself. After reading it

1. The rhythm and pace of spring
2. Through the open field, through the open forest, across the small bridge, to the Yan Mountain
3. Said to find spring, but only frown Shun eyes, natural vision is limited to close
4. What's wrong is [D]

How to write the last question in Lesson 16 of the sixth grade Chinese Evaluation Manual of Jiangsu Education Press?
"The field is full of ears of barley, which is the biggest?" it is inevitable that there are many similar questions in life. Please give an example to express your understanding

Answer to question 2: there are three semicolons in the article: 1. Look at this one Socrates is right about Some people see that To miss a good opportunity again and again means to tie in
Answer to question 3: the truth of being a man is to take the biggest spike in the wheat field as a metaphor. In the face of opportunities, some of them miss the opportunity, and some of them miss the opportunity. The key is to hold on to what is in front of them

The last question on page 58 of the fifth grade mathematics evaluation manual


Answers to the English assessment manual for the second semester of grade five

Unit 1 〔 do morning exercises 〕 eat breakfast 〕 have English class 〕 play sports 〕 eat dinner 〕 when 〕 evening 〕 get u

Question 4 on page 16 of mathematics evaluation manual for the first semester of Grade 8

∵ △ ABC is an equilateral triangle
That is, △ ade is an equilateral triangle [equilateral triangle, three equal angles]

The number of the basketball team is 80 more than that of the volleyball team. The number of the basketball team is six times that of the volleyball team

This is a typical difference multiple problem. The difference is 80, and the multiple difference is 6-1 = 5
Therefore, the number of volleyball team is 80 / (6-1) = 16
The basketball team is 16 + 80 = 96

The answer to the seventh question of unit 6 in the evaluation manual of Chinese
One's last warmth

Article: she is an orphan and has been growing up with her grandmother. After high school, she often needs to study at night and come back very late. To get home from the brightly lit Dongfeng Avenue, she still needs to walk a winding and deep alley and dim street lamp. Although she repeatedly says that she is not afraid of anything, her grandmother is still not at ease and is waiting to pick her up at the intersection every night
Because of this, she didn't want to go to school. That day, in order to pick her up, grandma slipped on the road. If it wasn't for timely rescue, grandma would die. These days, her heart has been surging with the idea of dropping out of school, and more and more intense
On that day, as soon as she turned the intersection, she saw grandma. At the same time, she also found an old man setting up a stall to repair the car. When she and grandma left, the old man also closed the stall and walked back with her
Later, she knew that the old man was a little bit lame and lived in the back street not far from their home. She thought the old man who repaired the car was very kind, and her grandmother also thought that others were nice. Because the old man usually closed the stall when she finished school, her grandmother gave her to the old man at ease. Every night, in the long alley, the laughter of the old man and the young man came home
She didn't know how long the old man would stay in the stall or how much money he could earn. What she knew was that because of this old man, she never thought about dropping out of school
Later, she went to university. Later, she had a good job. That winter, she went back to visit her grandmother who was already in her twilight years. She heard that the lame old man in the back street had passed away. She went to mourn. Although the old man didn't give her anything, her companionship at night still made her feel emotional
She met the old man's daughter and said sadly that the old man was a good car repairer. The old man's daughter didn't know her. She said, where can my father repair a car? In the year when he just retired, he saw a story in the evening paper and said that he would go to that street to repair a car. She suddenly remembered that she had published an article in the evening paper a few years ago, She asked the old man's daughter whether the protagonist of the story read by the old man was a girl?
Does the girl have a dependent grandmother_________________________________
Is your father afraid that the girl will drop out of school? Is it fake to go out to repair the car every night and true to send the girl home_______________________________________________________________________
She cried out with a cry. In her dim eyes, she felt that the whole world had been warmed by the old man's heart
Contact the context and understand the meaning of words
the declining age is like a candle in the wind:
stick together and help each other in difficulties:
The protagonist of this article is () a "she" B grandma C lame old man d lame old man's daughter
The girl looks puzzled. 2. The girl is very excited. She can't restrain her excitement and is waiting for the warm answer. The hero (lame old man) 4 (1). She looks puzzled (2). The girl chokes; The protagonist of this article is C
The author's grandmother is approaching her old age
Depending on each other for life: refers to living on each other

Unit exercise 6 of Chinese Evaluation Manual
The seventh reading section

She looks puzzled. The girl choked, the advantage is that it can let readers continue to imagine
The author's grandmother is approaching her old age
Depending on each other for life: refers to living on each other

Unit 6 exercise 3 of the language evaluation manual,

1、 Cold winter (wax) moon (silver) plain wrapped bird (Language) flower fragrance (Autumn) high air cool dripping water (ice) flower red (willow) green (scorching) sun like fire one leaf knows (Autumn) description spring: bird language flower fragrance