Changjiang homework, grade 6, people's education press, answers

Changjiang homework, grade 6, people's education press, answers

Classmate. All these books are copyright protected. There are not any on-line books. Some of them are famous tutorial books. The answer is still the popular version
But who has nothing to do every day to answer on the Internet?
But you can also look around the school to find out if you have sold this book. There must be an answer=

To make a cuboid fish tank of 80cm in length and 40cm in width, how many times do you need to scoop water with a cube spoon of 10cm in length to make the water surface 5cm higher?

You type up the problem for us and we'll help you solve it

I want the book from Zhejiang Education Press, grade 6, Volume 1, page 41
On the grass, the sheep has been tied by a 4-meter-long rope. What area of grass can this sheep eat? List the formula

4 * 4 * π = 16 π = 50.24m ^ 2

Synchronous training and development of mathematics in Grade 6

Give me a question

Sixth grade mathematics synchronous practice development practice
Bind two bamboo poles with a diameter of 1dm with a rope, and the rope should be at least as long as one turn

A: the rope should be at least 5.14dm

Answers to synchronous exercises of mathematics in Volume 1 of grade 6
(1) According to statistics, China's per capita water resources in 2007 is about 21000 cubic meters, equivalent to 25% of the world average level?
(2) Dongdong read a science fiction book, 20% on the first day, 40% on the second day, and 120 pages in two days. How many pages are there in this book?
(3) A highway was built, 9 kilometers in March, 30% of the total length in April, and 24 kilometers in February. How long is the highway?


logical thinking
There is a lattice of seven rows and seven columns, and there is one less in the second row
Ask how to use the line to connect at one time, do not cross, do not repeat

The problem should be to limit each step to a straight line of length 1, that is to say, only on the grid
Otherwise, it's meaningless. For example, it's too simple to connect with curves or slashes?
The problem is, when you can only walk the square grid, the problem does not necessarily have a solution!
The second line less than that store, when it is in the even column, the problem is very simple
The second line less than that point, when it is in the odd column, seems to have no solution!
So please perfect the title!
[example] the following 3 × 3 graphs (3 × 3, 5 × 5, 7 × 7 are the same in mathematical proof)
.O O
Proof: like a chess board, black and white
Black and white black
Black and white
Black and white black
Obviously, only black to white, white to black, not white to white, black to black
In the picture, 5 black and 3 white, at least one white is missing, so there must be one black
So there is no solution

logical thinking
The first figure has 1 square, the second figure has 6 squares, and the third figure has 19 squares
Q: how many squares will there be in the fifth figure?

It's a little hard, but it's worked out. Take a look
Its law is (n power of 2 + 1) (n-1) + 1
So the fifth figure will have 133 squares

How to cultivate the logical thinking of mathematics?
Such as the title
I am a junior high school student

Mental arithmetic has a clear thinking method, process and steps in mind

How to cultivate logical thinking in Mathematics

1. Find out the breakthrough of cultivating mathematical thinking ability. Psychologists believe that cultivating students' mathematical thinking quality is the breakthrough of cultivating and developing mathematical ability. Thinking quality includes the profundity, agility, flexibility, criticism and creativity of thinking, which reflect the characteristics of different aspects of thinking