The second power of (2a, b) and the third power of (- AB)

The second power of (2a, b) and the third power of (- AB)

The second power of (2a, b) and the third power of (- AB)
=The fourth power of - 4A, the fourth power of B, the third power of a and the sixth power of B
=-The 7th power of 4A and the 10th power of B

(- 2 of - 2A, B - 3) of - 3 × (ab - 1) of - 2
The power of (SUP; 2 m) × - 2 m of (SUP; 2 m) × - 2 m
3. (2 / 3xy) to the - 2nd power △ 1 / 3x to the - 2nd power
4. - (3 / 2XY) to the power of - 3 ÷ (5 / 2x & sup2; y to the power of - 2)


A + B = 5, ab = 3, the third power of a, B + the second power of 2a, the second power of B + the third power of AB =?

Reduce to the square of AB (a + b)
75 in the end

What number does {} mean?

I think it's a confession; you go. I love you. You're angry. You're 38. Hey, I don't know if it's true

1. It is in the third column of the X line. 2. It may be in the third column
Choose 1 or 2. Why?

2 pairs, X means the lateral position is uncertain, maybe 3,
3 is the vertical position, should be the third line

What is the special significance of the number "seven" in Buddhism

Seven is the meaning of small perfection in Buddhism, so there are many numbers of seven in Buddhism, such as [seven Buddhas (seven treasure Tathagata)] [past seven Buddhas] [pharmacist's seven Buddhas], etc

Numbers with special meanings
Like 61795, can it be interpreted as "shopping together"?

It seems to be OK

Does the number "7" have any special significance?
Who knows the meaning of the number 7?

No meaning is bigger than 6 and smaller than 8. The meaning in Arabic is like this

What does the number 9 mean?
What does 9 mean?

9 is a number pole, representing infinity

What are the meanings of various numbers in Chinese culture? For example, 4, 9, 11, etc

No.1 is the goal of many successful people in their life. Standing at the peak of their career and life, they will always be the son of heaven. No.1 is the symbol of their status and honor