The migration and transformation of heavy metals in soil are mainly physical and chemical processes This is a judgment question, right or wrong! Some textbooks also say that there are mainly physics,

The migration and transformation of heavy metals in soil are mainly physical and chemical processes This is a judgment question, right or wrong! Some textbooks also say that there are mainly physics,

The following is the knowledge about the migration and transformation of heavy metals in soil. First of all, soil is a heterogeneous porous system. Pollutants can be volatilized, diluted, diffused and concentrated in the soil to move out of the soil

What is the difference between transformation and transduction?
This is a problem of gene recombination

Transformation is the absorption of foreign DNA fragments by bacteria
Phage is the carrier of DNA transduction
Conjugation is the direct exchange of DNA between two bacteria through sexual pili

The difference between transformation and transposition

Transformation: exogenous genetic material (plasmid DNA) enters into bacteria, causing changes in bacterial genetic properties. Transfection: the process of exogenous gene infecting cells or individuals through virus or phage