8. The Chang'e-1 lunar exploration satellite developed by our country runs along the elliptical orbit with the near moon point and the far moon point. When the satellite moves from the near moon point to the far moon point, the satellite () increases () decreases (both filled with "kinetic energy" or "gravitational potential energy")

8. The Chang'e-1 lunar exploration satellite developed by our country runs along the elliptical orbit with the near moon point and the far moon point. When the satellite moves from the near moon point to the far moon point, the satellite () increases () decreases (both filled with "kinetic energy" or "gravitational potential energy")

Satellite (kinetic energy) increases (gravitational potential energy) decreases

The weight of a box is 1200n. The tension f is 100. The box moves in a straight line at a speed of 0.1m/s. If the mechanical efficiency of the pulley block is 90%, what is the work done by the tension in 5 seconds? What is the friction force between the box and the horizontal ground (n = 3). The formula tells me

The mechanical power of the pulley is 90%, so the force F really acts on the box is 90% F, that is 90N
Because of the uniform linear motion, f = f (pull) = 90N

Which uses the control variable method in junior high school physics experiment?
I'm going to take the senior high school entrance examination soon. What are the main points of summing up physics experiments?

Explore the relevant factors of liquid internal pressure
Explore the factors that affect the kinetic energy
Explore the relationship between small bulb brightness power
Explore the relationship between the current through the resistance and the voltage at both ends
Explore the factors that affect the thermal effect of current
To explore the influence factors of electromagnet magnetic strength
Explore the factors that affect the size of sliding friction
Explore the factors that affect the effect of stress
Pay attention to physical methods and formulas, pay attention to practice, pay attention to the mentality before the exam