The rainbow appears in the sky after the rain. It's light______ The propagation speed of different colors of light in the air is different______ If the wavelengths of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple light decrease in turn, the light with the highest frequency is the one with the highest frequency______ Color light

The rainbow appears in the sky after the rain. It's light______ The propagation speed of different colors of light in the air is different______ If the wavelengths of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple light decrease in turn, the light with the highest frequency is the one with the highest frequency______ Color light

When the sunlight shoots into the small water drops in the air after the rain, the sunlight will be refracted and dispersed to form a rainbow. The propagation speed of different colors of light in vacuum is the same, but different colors of light have different wavelengths in the air

What model is used to represent the propagation path of light in physics

Line with arrow

What is the propagation path of light? Is it all linear? What are the propagation paths of light in water, air, glass and so on? So, what is the propagation path of light in the same homogeneous material?

Light is the medium of electromagnetic wave replay~
The premise of light propagation along a straight line is that in the same kind of uniform medium, the straight line propagation of light is not only in the uniform medium, but also must be in the same kind of medium. Light will refract and reflect on the contact surface of two kinds of uniform medium. At this time, light does not travel in a straight line