On the experiment of "control variable method"

On the experiment of "control variable method"

The experiments of "control variable method" include: exploring the loudness and pitch of sound, ideal inclined plane experiment, exploring the relationship between force and motion, exploring the factors that affect the size of sliding friction, exploring the factors that affect the effect of pressure, exploring the factors that affect the size of liquid pressure, exploring the factors that affect the size of buoyancy, exploring the influence of

The experimental name of control variable method used in physics in grade two of junior high school

1. What factors are related to the resistance of conductor
2. Explore the relationship between current and voltage and resistance
3. Newton's first law
4. Two force equilibrium conditions
5. Joule's law
5. What factors are related to the strength of electromagnet magnetism
6. Explore the size of the pressure and which factors
7. Explore the sliding friction and which factors
All the above experiments are conducted by using the control variable method
I hope it can help you

What are the methods in physical experiment or chemical experiment, such as control variable method
To explain what the situation is

Physical method (1) control variable method: in physics, for multivariable problems, we often use the method of control variable to change the problem of multi dependent variables into the problem of multiple single variables; each time we only change one of the variables, and control the remaining variables unchanged, so as to study the influence of the changed variable on things