What are the control variables of physics experiment in junior high school Let's give examples instead of big discussions. Let's name each one

What are the control variables of physics experiment in junior high school Let's give examples instead of big discussions. Let's name each one

Research friction; voltammetric resistance; explore the size of pressure and what factors; explore the relationship between current and voltage in the circuit; explore the experiment of specific heat capacity;

Physical control variable method
How to calculate the control variable method in Physics (not about electricity) I'm only in the eighth grade. At the beginning, the topic is probably to give you a table with "swing length, swing quality and cycle" on it
How accurate is the "guard line of a river" in physics

The control variable method is not an algorithm, but an experimental method. For a natural phenomenon, I want to study the factors that affect this phenomenon. First of all, suppose which factors will affect the experimental results, and then change one of them, control the other factors unchanged, to see if it has an impact on the results. For example: the simple pendulum experiment you said

What are the names of the controlled variable experiments

To study the factors of the effect of influence;
The factors related to sliding friction force are studied;
The pressure inside the liquid is studied;
This paper studies the relationship between the tone of the strings and the thickness, tightness and length of the strings;
The factors that affect the speed of liquid evaporation are studied;
The relationship between the heat absorption of objects and the type, mass and temperature of materials is studied;
The factors influencing the resistance are studied;
The relationship between current, voltage and resistance is studied;
Study the factors related to electric work or electric heating;
The factors that influence the force on the conductor in the magnetic field are studied;
The directional factors affecting the induced current are studied;
Physical experiments are carried out to study which factors are related to kinetic energy (or gravitational potential energy);
Biological grouping control experiment, etc