The square of 1990, 199, 11992, 1993 is divided by 4 and 8

The square of 1990, 199, 11992, 1993 is divided by 4 and 8

Because 1990, 1999, 119, 1992 can be divided by 4
So the square of 1990, 1999, 119, 1992, 1993
=The square of (1990, 1999, 119, 1992 + 1)
=Square of 1990, 1999, 119, 1992 + 2 × 1990, 1999, 119, 1992 + 1
The square of (1990, 1999, 119, 92, 1992 + 1) can be divisible by 16, so it can be divisible by 4 and 8
2 × 199019919921992 can be divided by 8 or 4
So the mean remainder of the result is 1

Both Xiao Hong and Xiao Fang have accumulated some pocket money. The ratio of their savings is 5:3. In the donation activities of "supporting the disaster areas", they have made some contributions

Xiaohong and Xiaofang have saved some pocket money. The ratio of their savings is 5:3. In the donation activity of "supporting the disaster area", Xiaohong donates 26 yuan and Xiaofang donates 10 yuan. At this time, they have the same amount of money left. How much did Xiaohong have? Xiaohong's money = 26 + donating part, Xiaofang's money = 10 + donating part, because the ratio of their pocket money is 5:3

A letter to children in the 5.12 earthquake stricken area
About 450 words!

Dear children in the disaster area
How do you do!
Since the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, my heart has been concerned about you all the time. In the face of this merciless disaster, we will all feel afraid, afraid and helpless. However, in the embrace of our motherland, there are many "relatives" who will help you, Love you. See: parents working far away rushed back to their hometown overnight; uncle of PLA and angel in white came to help you regardless of their own safety Although some children's parents were killed by the disaster, some children's grandparents were engulfed by the evil disaster demons, and even some children lost their legs when they lost their loved ones. But don't be afraid, there are us - the relatives of our motherland's mothers and children, as well as volunteer uncles and aunts from all over the world, There are 1.3 billion compatriots in China!
As the saying goes: disaster without love. Earthquake makes you lose relatives, no campus, no shelter home. But we should not be afraid, should not be sad. A disaster divided by 1.3 billion will become insignificant, You see: uncle of the people's Liberation Army didn't close his eyes for a few days in order to save the victims buried in the ruins; those doctors and nurses couldn't even take a bite to eat in order to get the injured victims back from the hand of death; volunteers from all directions came to rebuild their homes for you with all kinds of materials , rebuild your beloved campus; and we children of the same age also took out our long-term savings but have been reluctant to use the pocket money, to express our little heart to you. There is great love in front of the disaster, dear children in the disaster area, believe in ourselves, believe in the motherland, let's work together to overcome the disaster