What is the cube of 125x + 216 = 0 x? What is the cube of 3 (x-4) = - 375 x?

What is the cube of 125x + 216 = 0 x? What is the cube of 3 (x-4) = - 375 x?

125x��+216=0 125x��=-216 x��=-216/125 x=-6/5 3(x-4)��=-375 (x-4)��=-125 x-4=-5 x=-1

-What's the negative cube of 2?

Some Wulin league leaders made low-level mistakes
Negative root can be seen as the reciprocal is - 1 / 2, and then cube 2 * 2 * 2 = 8 is - 1 / 8

Cube of 3 (x + 5) = 375
