It took Xiaoming 15 minutes and Xiaodong 20 minutes to walk from the school to the library. Xiaoming's speed is a fraction of Xiaodong's

It took Xiaoming 15 minutes and Xiaodong 20 minutes to walk from the school to the library. Xiaoming's speed is a fraction of Xiaodong's

15 out of 20 is about 3 out of 4
A: Xiaoming's speed is 3 / 4 of Xiaodong's
Hope to adopt

Xiaoming's home is 1200 meters away from the school. It takes him 15 minutes to walk from home to the school. What's the average part of the road per minute? How many meters did he walk in eight minutes?
It's a fraction of the road

Divide 1200 by 15 to get how many meters to walk in a minute, that is, 1200 / 15 = 80, 80 meters account for 1 / 15 of 1200, 80 meters in one minute, 80 meters in eight minutes to get 80 * 8 = 640 meters

Xiao Ming's home is 1200 meters away from the school. Xiao Ming starts from home at the speed of 60 meters per minute. After 15 minutes, he is still far away from the school
How far is it? How long does it take to get to school?
