Xiaoming's distance from home to school is 1000 meters. It takes 15 minutes for Xiaoming to go to school and 25 minutes for Xiaoming to go home from school. What's the average speed for Xiaoming to and from school How many?

Xiaoming's distance from home to school is 1000 meters. It takes 15 minutes for Xiaoming to go to school and 25 minutes for Xiaoming to go home from school. What's the average speed for Xiaoming to and from school How many?

The average speed to and from the school is 1000 × 2 ^ (15 + 25) = 50m

Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong are 560 meters away from home from school. Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong break up at the school gate. Seven minutes later, they get home at the same time. Xiao Ming walks 45 meters per minute on average. How many meters does Xiao Hong walk per minute on average? How to calculate? Please tell us the basic principle and formula

560 / 7 = 80, 80 meters per minute

Xiao Ming goes to school from home, 60 meters per minute, 15 minutes to school; if 75 meters per minute, a few minutes to school

The answers are as follows:
Set X minutes to get to school
According to a certain distance, the speed is inversely proportional to the event
60 * 15 = 75x
x = 12
So it takes 12 minutes to get to school