Xiao Ming goes to school by bike from home every minute. After 8 minutes, it is 60 meters away from school. How many meters is Xiao Ming's home away from school

Xiao Ming goes to school by bike from home every minute. After 8 minutes, it is 60 meters away from school. How many meters is Xiao Ming's home away from school

Distance = 8x + 60m
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Xiaoming walks 750cm in 10 minutes. According to this calculation, it takes 24 minutes to walk from home to school. How many meters is the distance between Xiaoming's home and school?
Answer with proportion knowledge!

Set the distance from home to school as X meters
A: the distance from home to school is 1800 meters

Xiao Ming goes to school 2km away from home by bike in the morning. It is known that the average speed of his bike is 6km / h. The function relationship between his distance from school and his riding time is as follows

Xiao Ming goes to school 2km away from home by bike in the morning. It is known that his average speed is 6km / h,
Then the distance between his school and his riding time is y = - 6x + 2
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