It takes Xiaoming 10 minutes to walk from home to school and 15 minutes to return. The average speed of Xiaoming's round trip from home to school is as follows

It takes Xiaoming 10 minutes to walk from home to school and 15 minutes to return. The average speed of Xiaoming's round trip from home to school is as follows

2 / 10 + 1 / 15 = 2 / 6 = 12 minutes
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Li Jun walks from home to school. If he walks 60 meters per minute, he can get there in 20 minutes. If it takes 15 minutes to get there, how many meters per minute should he walk?

60 × 20 △ 15 = 80m
A: he should walk 80 meters per minute
Set him to walk x meters per minute

Xiao Ming needs to get to school from home within a specified time. If he walks 5 kilometers per hour, he can arrive 20 minutes earlier. If he walks 4 kilometers per hour, he will be 15 minutes late
How far is Xiaoming's home from school

The distance between Xiaoming's home and school is x kilometers
x/5 + 1/3 = x/4 - 1/4
Multiply both sides by 60 to get
12x + 20 = 15x - 15
3x = 35
X = 35 / 3 km