The teacher takes two students to visit the museum 33 kilometers away from the school. The teacher takes a motorcycle with a speed of 25 km / h. the back seat of the motorcycle can take one student with a speed of 20 km / h. The walking speed of the students is 5 km / h. please design a scheme so that the time for the three teachers and students to arrive at the museum is no more than 3 hours

The teacher takes two students to visit the museum 33 kilometers away from the school. The teacher takes a motorcycle with a speed of 25 km / h. the back seat of the motorcycle can take one student with a speed of 20 km / h. The walking speed of the students is 5 km / h. please design a scheme so that the time for the three teachers and students to arrive at the museum is no more than 3 hours

Because student a is asked to walk first, and the teacher takes student B to a certain place away from the museum, puts down student B and lets him walk, while the teacher goes to pick up student a, and the last three people arrive at the same time, so the walking distance of Party A and Party B is equal, which is set as X kilometers. According to the walking time of Party B, it is equal to the time when the teacher returns to pick up student a and arrives We get: X5 = 33 − 2x25 + 33 − X20, get 20x = 4 (33-2x) + 5 (33-x), get x = 9, so the sharing time is 33 − 920 + 95 = 3 hours

Uncle Zhang takes a taxi from home to the museum. After passing by the cultural museum, he has to drive 4 kilometers due east. If the taxi journey is within 2 kilometers (including 2 kilometers), the starting price will be 5 yuan. After that, the fare of each line will increase by 1.5 yuan. ① show the location of the museum in the picture. ② how much is Uncle Zhang's taxi fare? (the data measured in the figure is rounded in centimeters)

① 4 km = 400000 cm, 400000 × 1200000 = 2 (CM), as shown in the figure: ② the distance from Uncle Zhang's house to the cultural center is 1 cm, 1 △ 1200000 = 200000 (CM), 200000 cm = 2 km, 5 + 1.5 × 4 = 5 + 6 = 11 (yuan); answer: Uncle Zhang's taxi fare is 11 yuan

The distance between Xiaoming's home and school is 4km. Xiaoming goes to school by bike every day. It is known that the average speed of Xiaoming's bicycle is 10 ~ 15km / h (including 10km / h and 15km / h). 1. Write the functional relationship between time t and average speed v
